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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Just In: Accident: UPDATE

Accident involving tractor trailer at 13 and Foskey Lane.

North bound lanes.........involving a liquid gas tanker and a Comcast van.

UPDATE: 13 northbound is shut down due to the accident.


  1. Just went by, had to take Stage road to get around. Stay home those who can, drove the 10 miles to work just now, should have heeded my own advice and just stayed home.

  2. Was it one of those Corroluzzo gas trucks from NJ?
    Those guys drive like wild men. Carrying gasoline!

  3. yesterday my wonderful boss said, come in, don't come in, use your best judgement. It wasn't worth having an accident or getting stuck somewhere.

  4. Well another comcast rate increase coming soon

  5. Some people just don't listen to the stay home its unsafe on the roads I just dont get it and some places won't be busy so why even open.

  6. The Comcast driver that was injured had nothing to do with Comcast policies.

    1. How do you figure? Was he in a ccast van? Was he an employee? You idiot! Has everything to do with policies. I'm sure there is a drug test, reports, an investigation, workers compensation, and a settlement. Sounds like policy to me!

  7. Comcast rate went up this month $13.00.

  8. Wishing harm on the driver because you don't like the company shows your small mind. Nice try at spin you ignorant fool.

  9. sure have been a lot of accidents with tankers lately

  10. @ 12:57 Do you think this is grade school ? They don't get snow days you child ! It's a grown up world get out of Mom's basement and get a job.

    1. 2:10? Your comment makes no sense? 12:57 is saying he was working and an injured employee definitely means this incident is going to be handled by policy. I swear some comments need to be read better before posting.

    2. 2:10 mustn't be able to comprehend simple English. Go some where troll.

  11. You missed the entire point the idiot was trolling his hate for the company at the drivers expense period. Some how you ADD fools got lost.

    1. Maybe your digg wasn't understandable and made no sense. Maybe people just don't hear sarcastic crap or want to anymore. Maybe people just think an asinine comment is serious due to lack of intelligence and want to educate people. Don't get upset when you tell a worthless joke and the people don't laugh. Just look in the mirror and ask yourself , where did I go wrong?


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