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Thursday, March 12, 2015

In wake of GOP letter to Iran, battle erupts over blame for dysfunction

The reaction from Washington’s foreign policy establishment was that President Obama’s authority as commander in chief had been challenged in a new and unprecedented way.

Forty-seven Republican senators, openly seeking to undercut the president, signed a letter to Iran’s leaders threatening to undo any agreement reached with the United States regarding their country’s nuclear program.

A battle quickly erupted over who was to blame for the dysfunction and how to defuse a situation that many foreign policy experts believe has become so poisonous that it has begun to damage the United States’ standing in the world.



  1. The voice of the people is what's speaking.

  2. "foreign policy experts believe has become so poisonous that it has begun to damage the United States’ standing in the world."

    I have news for them. that happened 6 years ago when a nation of half fools elected an Islamo Communist racist to the presidency.

  3. It's so difficult for the Libs to hear the People's voice speak so loudly. It seems to be drowning out their voices and they can't stand the noise!

    Our standing in the world was ruined many years ago by the Democratic Party's foreign policies. What this letter did was a great first step in putting our foot down and standing BY our Constitution, not ON it.

  4. obama bin laden will just go tot he UN and have them do a UN security think like they did once or twice before where as it takes the decisions out of the hands of congress...

  5. The so called "foreign policy experts" aren't so expert if they haven't figured out BHO has destroyed our credibility in the world. He has disrespected our traditional allies and supported out traditional enemies. No one including us citizens quite know what we stand for or who we stand with.


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