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Friday, March 06, 2015

If Not Now … When? Will the GOP Majority Ever Stand for Anything?

It is never the right time to do the right thing in Washington, D.C.

The phrase I heard most often from Republican leadership while serving in the House and Senate was, “This is not the right time to have this fight.”

Whether the issue was balancing the budget, school choice, patient-driven healthcare, eliminating earmarks, raising the debt limit, ending big, crony handouts like the Export-Import Bank or any stand against the continued growth, favoritism and intrusion of big government, conservatives were always told to wait. Wait until conservatives have the majority. Wait until we have the White House. Wait until we are reelected.

We’re seeing that “wait” attitude in practice today as the House votes on a “clean” Department of Homeland Security funding bill. Despite the fact that Republicans have majorities in both the House and the Senate that were elected on a pledge to fight against President Obama’s executive amnesty, and despite forcing through a big spending bill at the end of 2014 with the promise they would fight later on Homeland Security appropriations, they are now punting the issue entirely.



  1. I'm beginning to come to a stirring and frightening reality., that neither Democrats nor Republicans have this country's best interests at heart. And, do in reality, march to the cadence of world corporate interests instead. I, like so, so many others, voted with hopeful thoughts in November for change., real change in our gov't.
    Well, I've seen change alright., man have I seen change. Those whom I voted a majority to and trusted with this country's future is who've changed., a 180, I'd judge, would be the course of that change, too. Changed into spineless invertebrates with the courage and honor of Obama himself.
    Truly, I'm disgusted with what I see and fear for our Republic.

  2. Speaker ,Graham, and that bafunn from Kentucky. If the people in this state don't wake up. Virginia got rid of Cantor so Ohio, Kentucky and S.C. should wake up. These three are such an embarrassment to the Republicans not to mention the United States of America. The only time they stand up is to PISS. SOMETIMES.

  3. Time to kick moderates, aka RINOs, aka establishment, aka NWO scum, out of the party.

  4. Why should we be surprised? It a WWF wrestling match...they are all in on it and the ref too...ya all better wake up..its gonna get ugly

  5. 646, I have to fully agree, and have to believe that our countrymen will need to organize alternative options to reclaim the Republic.


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