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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Hoyer: Boehner to Offer DHS Funding Bill That Doesn't Block Amnesty

House Minority Whip and Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer says that it is very likely that House Speaker John Boehner will offer a bill funding the Department of Homeland Security without defunding President Barack Obama's executive actions on immigration.

Hoyer said during a press briefing that the minority party could bring a vote on the DHS funding bill through an obscure House rule, but he doesn't think it will be necessary, The Hill is reporting.

House Republicans will most likely bring the Senate bill to the floor, which has the support of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, he predicts. That bill would provide DHS funding until Sept. 30.

"My expectation is there will be a substantive vote — not a procedural vote — a substantive vote on the Senate McConnell bill," Hoyer said

"I don't want to discuss how it's going to come up, because I don't know. It could come up in a number of different ways," he added. "But we, on Friday, came to a conclusion that in fact it will come up."

More here


  1. Please post email and phone numbers for MD reps... lite em up.this madness needs to stop

  2. 202-224-3121 tell your REPMarch 4, 2015 at 3:07 PM


  3. Once again the Republicans have sold us down the river, giving into the Democrats and the MSM blackmail of a govt or govt dept shutdown! This is not why I voted them in, they need to get some back bone like JFK had with the Cuban Missle Crisis, enough of giving my hard earned money to the undeserving in this country! I don't know about the rest of you but I have all the dependents I can afford my tax dollars to pay for! I am not against immigration but do it legally like my grandparents did. We do not need the illegal immigrant labor. If an employer can not find enough people to do a certain job then he needs to rethink what he pays for the work and what he charges for the product! That's how a free market works!

  4. Looks like who I vote for in the next election will depend on how they vote on this bill!


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