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Friday, March 27, 2015

How women should take compliments

When it comes to the role of women, and even the topic of compliments toward women in society, there appears to be a significant generational gap. What seems equally prominent is the cultural and regional gap about complimenting women.

If an urban female student had the misfortune of needing to take a pit stop on Interstate 70 in my town, she would be shocked. Young men in greased clothes (and some with questionable dental hygiene) would whistle at her, call her pet names and openly gawk at her figure as she tried to pump gas at our main station. Disgusted, she would return home to her feminist book club and tell stories of the primal men who objectified her and cared little for her intellect.

She would call them “animals governed by their sexual urges,” or she might simply say they were rude and uncouth. At the same time, the men at the gas station would return back to the garage or the farm and tell their buddies about some “stuck-up yuppie” who couldn’t take a compliment and who was probably “one of them damn hippies down in Warshington who’s ruinin’ America.”

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