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Friday, March 13, 2015

How to Make Cocaine Less Addictive

Researchers learn more about the brain on cocaine

New research in rats suggests that it might be possible to dull the vivid memories of cocaine, a finding that could lead to potential therapies that might one day make drugs less addictive.

In the new study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience,researchers at Washington State University experimented with rats and showed that it’s possible to interfere with the brain’s memory creation process, which is involved in cocaine addiction. Altering this process could make the drug less desirable.



  1. um don't take it?

  2. lol, i was gonna say the same thing...

  3. I'm not a cocaine addict. I just like the way it smells!

  4. Yeah, and that anti-smoking medicine Chantrix supposedly interferes with that same pleasure giving part of the brain. There have been so many reports of depression and suicides because of that blocking of the pleasure receptors, that the anti-smoking medicine is on the verge of being removed from being prescribed. Smoking and dying a slow death is preferable to taking "medicine" (just a different drug), and being depressed to the point of suicide. All this treating drug addiction with drugs to block the pleasure receptors in the brain is just a dumb idea by the drug companies to replace "bad" drugs with drugs THEY can sell. Watch the old classic Clockwork Orange, by Stanley Kubrick, if you want to see a wild film about psychology and pyschiatry being used to treat drug addiction and anti-social behavoir. You end up feeling sorry for the antagonist by the end of the film for how miserable that his life became after "treatment".


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