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Monday, March 30, 2015

How Singapore Became One Of The Richest Places On Earth

Singapore has been called the 20th century's most successful development story.

"I don't think any other economy," says Linda Lim, an economist at the University of Michigan, "even the other Asian tigers, have that a good a statistical record of rapid growth, full employment, with very good social indicators — life expectancy, education, housing, etc. — in the first 20 years," she says.

Lee Kuan Yew, the man who founded modern-day Singapore and died last week at age 91, led that economic transformation. One of the most influential leaders of the 20th century, Lee was an autocrat whose tiny island-state became one of the richest places in the world, and a role model for other governments in Asia and beyond.



  1. Let's see just how long it takes for the radical muslims to destroy this country.
    For many years their culture was the same and the religious convictions. ISIS is coming.

  2. Buddhism and Hinduism were the primary religion for centuries. However Islam and the Christian religions were introduced. I'm sure in time Islam radicals will rule the area.


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