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Friday, March 27, 2015

House effort would completely dismantle Patriot Act

A pair of House lawmakers wants to completely repeal the Patriot Act and other legal provisions to dramatically rein in American spying.

Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) on Tuesday unveiled their Surveillance State Repeal Act, which would overhaul American spying powers unlike any other effort to reform the National Security Agency.

“This isn’t just tinkering around the edges,” Pocan said during a Capitol Hill briefing on the legislation. “This is a meaningful overhaul of the system, getting rid of essentially all parameters of the Patriot Act.”

The bill would completely repeal the Patriot Act, the sweeping national security law passed in the days after Sept. 11, 2001, as well as the 2008 FISA Amendments Act, another spying law that the NSA has used to justify collecting vast swaths of people's communications through the Internet.



  1. good luck, won't happen and even if it did, it would just be a smoke and mirrors game as usual...

  2. It needs to happen..hope and pray the right thing is done..repel the commie patriot act Now

  3. 9:09 AM so you answer is to do nothing? To be led to slaughter like sheep?

    Wake up! You are part of the problem.

    If you don't stand for something you will fall for everything and that is what I see happening today. To many people wanting to ride the tide. Go along to get along? Bull$hit!! Grow backbone America.

  4. The "good cop/bad cop" routine.
    It has no chance.
    Does anyone REALLY think the people in power will surrender such a weapon (and it IS a weapon -- against free citizens, the Constitution, individual liberty, the right to privacy, to mention a few).
    Besides that, the President would have to sign it.
    Does ANYONE think THAT will ever happen???
    Just keep cheering.

  5. The Patriot Act is pure communism, want to spy on someone go get a warrant like you needed before the act.


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