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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Holder hits GOP for using race against him in graceless exit interview

Attorney General Eric Holder suggested Friday that the Obama administration's opponents have in part staked out their positions because he and the president are black.

'There have been times when I thought that’s at least a piece of it,' he said.

But it's 'hard to look into people’s minds, you know, their hearts.'

The graceless exit interview will become grist for conservatives who remain convinced that Holder has used race issues to deflect attention from legitimate criticisms.

A Politico reporter pressed Holder on whether the White House's detractors were motivated by racial animus, declaring that they were 'more than (on the) fringe.'



  1. He himself has screamed "Race" every-time there has been unrest in cities like Ferguson.

  2. Yep that's it. Just keep thinking that way. Everything and everyone is racist.
    go back to your clubhouse Holder.

  3. Holder is correct. It is because he and obama are black and shows exacly what a failure affirmative action is. You can't be pushing dumb blacks like these 2 to the front based solely on their race. These 2 stooges are the perfect example. Not either has done one thing productive their entire lives even after being so called "educated." Blacks have so much to be ashamed of- so so much. No wonder they are wallowing in cesspools of crime and poverty. They don't have the sense God gave them and it showed by their overwhelming support of obama.


    Except we're trading one for another of the same mind..."Prez didn't do nuttin' wrong!"

  5. Actions speak louder than words.
    You made your bed now lay in it.
    Don't blame others for your ignorance.
    We see you


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