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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Hillary Shunned Govt Email for Personal Account at State Dept

Hillary Clinton used a personal email account, not a secure government account, during her time as secretary of state and may have violated federal rules, according to a report.

The New York Times reports that Clinton never had a government email address when she served as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Instead, she used a personal account to conduct business.

The fact that Clinton, who served in the Obama administration's cabinet, used a personal email address concerns officials, reports the Times.

"It is very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business," said Jason R. Baron, a lawyer and a former director at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), in the Times story.

State Department officials did not make any effort to capture Clinton's emails from her time as secretary and place them on department servers to be archived, reports the Times. Two months ago, however, Clinton's advisers looked through thousands of pages of emails dating back to her days as secretary. They ultimately submitted 55,000 pages of emails to the department.

Federal law mandates that all forms of communication, ranging from hand-written letters to emails, sent and received by government officials, are government property and must be archived for the official record.

More here


  1. What I want to know is why is this being brought out now after the fact?

  2. The Clinton's have never had any respect for the rules, protocols, or law.

    She was fired for unethical behaviors early in her career.

    She should never hold elected office again - I wouldn't even vote for her to change urinal mints in the men's room at the local VFW or Legion!

  3. It's a democrat thing. All democrats have difficulties when it comes to doing what is morally correct. Decent people do not identify with that party. There is no such thing as a good democrat. They are horrible people and you can never ever trust them. They lie almost all the time as well.

  4. Nothing will happen. Dems break and skirt the law, and get promotions.

  5. 11:28 Have they ever blown the whistle DURING illegal acts? No. It comes out much later so she can say "What difference does it make"


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