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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Here Comes The Rain Tax Salisbury

Last Monday the Salisbury City Council unanimously approved the new Rain Tax, (or whatever the local Liberals want to call it) in which each resident will pay $20.00 a year, unless you have a big property, then it's more. 

As for commercial property, well, it starts at $40.00 a year and goes all the way up to $12,000.00 a year, per property. 

The interesting part about it is, no one really knows what to expect. Like what business will be paying what?

What we do know is, many local elected legislators seem to be slamming these increases down our throats and then packing their bags and moving to Florida and or out of state. Even some who are still living here are considering moving. Look at the business people who are a part of the Chamber of Commerce. They were smart enough to BUY property here in a depressed market and LIVE outside the City/County. That's why I always said, why the hell do they have forums with the Chamber when none of them LIVE in the City? THEY CAN'T VOTE!

I can tell you I spoke with a very large commercial property owner today and they assure me, NO MORE SALISBURY! They are now looking at Delmar, DE. So is Danny Burt, who is being forced to take down his addition to his commercial property. 

As if it isn't bad enough that we have legislators testifying on the record in Annapolis that the Eastern Shore has never recovered from the great recession, why would anyone stay, especially businesses?

So Ireton and Day will continue to shove poop in our faces, businesses will pack up and move their business elsewhere, unemployment will continue to rise, property values and even interest in Salisbury will diminish, yet Ireton and Day will sell parking lots and build affordable housing because they are totally CLUELESS on how to rebuild the local economy the right way. 

Leave it to the Liberals to tax your way out of a bad economy. That might work just outside Washington, D.C., but it won't work here.

OK, as if that news isn't bad enough, let's look at more reality in Salisbury. 

Salisbury is looking to borrow ANOTHER $38,000,000.00 for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Who the hell do you think is going to pay for that! Heck, you still aren't paying the full amount in your water and sewer rates each month for the first round of money borrowed for that facility. So wait until you get slammed with the true final monthly rate, especially businesses. 

Then, (as we published the other day) your property tax rate is already 2nd highest in the STATE. Come on people, open your eyes and get these Liberals the hell out of office before it's too late, if it isn't already too late. 

Electing these KIDS into Office is just about the dumbest thing you have already done. There's NO business experience and they are a tax and spend society, along with a throw away society. Heck, the more I think about it, (I hate to say) there's no rebounding from what they've already done. 

Wouldn't it be great if they came to people like me and said, Joe, how else can we resolve our problems. Nope, they're too afraid people like me would be RIGHT. Instead they shun people like me and just tax you instead. Oh well, you allegedly voted for them so unfortunately you get what you deserve. 

In my honest opinion, I'd sell now and get the hell out of Salisbury. You are a dreamer if you think things are going to turn around for the better. Unless you are a Landlord and you want to buy property cheap!


  1. CAN I just say, for the record yet again,


    But I guess us as you call us "Conspiracy theorist" or "tin hat" or any other dumb name you want to use, obviously knows more than and one of you because you all still fail to see this coming... You fail to care that it was coming... you all rather run your mouth and call names to people who actually know what the heck they are talking about, but instead you are to fat, lazy and stupid to research anything and so here you have it, you get what you deserve and by god you deserve it...

    your damn white knight will not and is not coming to save the day, and I told you that to, but I guess I am to stupid to know anything yet I told you all for years this was happening and was going to happen...

    Who wears the hat now dumb a$$es???? YOU DO bc you will pay the bills...

  2. Tim Spies voted for this ???

  3. 9:40, Perhaps you need to look up what UNANIMOUS means.

    1. Hahahaha.....LMMFAO!!!!! Dude that was funny.

  4. This makes me sick.

  5. Are you saying Tim Spies voted for this? WTF!!

  6. Shame on Tim Spies his a$$ will definitely be toast with the redistricting and the rain tax. Let's clean house... Well I don't see that happening by us. Jim Ireton screwed everything up with that Ghetto redistricting map.

  7. that's it! i'm moving to South Carolina!

  8. Jim's way of jamming it up everyone's butt! No pun intended.

  9. The mayor and whole city council need to be voted out. Joe was the man for the job

  10. Time for our "Salisbury Tea Party!!" Screw these liberal DEMs and all their taxes! Who's with me?

  11. I can't see how anyone would want to live in the city of Salisbury. It's bad enough living in the county. This is totally outrageous!
    Hope the taxpayers of Salisbury get involved and storm the mayors office over this!!!!

  12. Joe, I wrote about Salisbury's rain tax being mandatory. Why didn't you publish that comment? It's not false or incendiary. Disappointed once again by your 'filter'.

  13. Besides higher wages for city employees and politicians what will the residents benefit from this rain fee?

  14. Spies is a big disappointment, and with the city now split into 5 districts, the chance of having a better council after the election is "NONE".

    Salisbury is beyond salvage with Wicomico County not very far behind.

  15. It's about time for a recall vote to settle down the need for more taxes. Ms. ireton just has a problem with dealing with the reality that we just can't simply afford more taxes. Maybe she needs to realize that you can't tax everything!! She has become quite a disappointment!

  16. Now that the rain tax has been repealed in Annapolis, does this mean Salisbury won't be able to charge this tax/fee?

  17. Glad I read this I was looking to buy a house in Salisbury now I'm looking elsewhere.

  18. 1:57 PM

    You were looking to buy a house in Salisbury and a $20 fee made the difference? Please, continue to pay your outrageous rent to your landlord. And let us know when he tacks on the extra $20 per year to cover his part of the fee.

  19. Any part of Delmar is better than Salisbury. Mayor Wells is doing well in her first few months as Mayor.

    1. Yes she is. She is doing well because she has integrity. A rare find in public office these days.

  20. 3:29 20 dollars is better in my pocket than in yours standing in the soup line. It's more about the mentality of the people inventing such taxes. If they would make me pay for rain whats next ? And I'd hate to be stuck in a house I couldn't sell and be locked in to whatever comes next. Only a fool would live under such rules, enjoy !

  21. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    9:40, Perhaps you need to look up what UNANIMOUS means.

    March 20, 2015 at 9:42 AM

    no offense to anyone but that was just funny. and unless he repeated himself, he isn't the only one who needs to look it up. lol.

  22. I would not recommend my worse enemy buy a house in the city of Salisbury. The values of the houses are worth shit and yet those idiots on the city council raise the property taxes. They only want to focus on bike paths a stupid trolley that no one rides a few photo ops when a fast food place opens up with low paying part time jobs to give the illusion that they are creating jobs in the city. They are sending this city right down the toilet.

  23. Day is a punk with no backbone. He didnt stand by his word when he was running and was pro business. Nobody should have a business in the city of salisbury

  24. Hey, Salisbury, do you hear my attic stairs being pulled down? That's the sound of me getting my suitcases down for packing!



  25. They will probably give a big break to major employers to try and keep some of the last few jobs that are around here. NOT! They will run them out like the rest. Maybe the Centre will go under soon also. I'm sure a new mall would be welcomed and look great in Delmar, DE.

  26. It's curtains for Salisbury, and maybe Wicomico County too. Both are now controlled by Democrats and RINOs.

  27. I would move but can't afford it. Wouldn't be able to sell my paid for house & purchase something comparable anywhere nearby. I'd move to Delmar de, but it isn't affordable. At my age,I can't start with a new mortgage.


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