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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Here Are the 52 House Republicans Who Defied John Boehner on Contentious DHS Spending Bill

WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — The Republican-controlled House unexpectedly rejected short-term funding for the Department of Homeland Security on Friday, increasing the prospect of a partial shutdown at midnight of an agency with major anti-terrorism responsibilities.

The vote was 224-203 against the measure, as 52 Republicans defected on the leadership-backed legislation to fund DHS for three weeks.



  1. And now we get a CLEAN bill to fund DHS for a full year.

  2. The DHS is a dysfunctional fraud, an affront to freedom and a veil for the fascist takeover of America. Anything Congress can do to dissolve it is positive.

  3. Oh yes,we get a "clean" boll to fund a defunct organization that is useless and exists just for the sole purpose to provide more overpaid workers with a job!

  4. 52 house republicans that want to actually get stuff done. Good for them.

  5. cannot tell a Republican from a DemocRAT now days since to many wants that Government retirement for doing nothing but screw over the American Citizen.
    Still business as usual from the no backbone Republicans to do what is right for America.
    Cut the purse strings and fund all of DHS except for the expense of illegal immigrants

  6. Ditto 3:19..4:21..and 4:54...dissolve e the Patriot act too..and we would save tons..another overreach by our Marxist idealogues

  7. Boner will pay for his stupidity
    .hopefully OHIO will wake up.
    He and Obama are butt buddies.

  8. John Jihadi Bonehead is all for Obama. He is the most liberal Democrat in the House. He only pretends to be a Republican for show. Just to fool stupid Americans into thinking their vote counts when it means nothing at all.


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