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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Head of House Benghazi probe says Hillary Clinton wiped email server 'clean'

Hillary Clinton wiped her email server "clean," permanently deleting all emails from it, the leader of the House committee investigating the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi said Friday.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said the former secretary of state has failed to produce a single new document in recent weeks and has refused to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review, as Gowdy has requested.

"While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department of State for the first time asked the secretary to return her public record to the Department," Gowdy said in a statement. “Not only was the secretary the sole arbiter of what was a public record, she also summarily decided to delete all emails from her server ensuring no one could check behind her analysis in the public interest.”



  1. A crook from start to finish

  2. "What difference does it make"

  3. Another crook for president WTF.

  4. What a liar, crook, and whatever else you want to call her. She is anything but presidential material. She needs to sit home and rock Charlotte and tell her grandbaby all the lies she wants. She is nothing but trash.

  5. And the libs still love this clown.

  6. That, without question, is Obstruction of Justice. Knowingly destroying material that an individual knows will be the subject of an investigation is a crime.
    She fits all the definitions.
    But, for those who think her and Obama are God's gift to the Earth, keep cheering.
    The laws, as they have demonstrated so often and so blatantly, are NOT made for THEM.
    She's golden.
    You and I (we, the people) go to jail/prison for what she just did.
    And whatever was in those e-mails must have been EXTREMELY critical or embarrassing, because she KNEW what she was doing was a crime. She was willing to risk the repercussions of THAT rather than have those records publicly revealed.
    Public Masters know no fear of the law.
    Keep cheering.

  7. A wolf in liberal clothing.

  8. HiLIEary needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent!! I am so tired of these politicians and obama cabinet members that act like they are above the law. Also the fact that no one in Washington is held accountable for anything they do!! What is it going to take to turn America around to the great country it once was? Revolution?


  9. Her new outfit should be an orange pantsuit and stainless bracelets!

    Knowingly set out to break the law, aided and abetted by golfer guy.


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