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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Have You Been To The Grocery Store Lately?

Gas prices go down, prices at the grocery store remain inflated. Yeah, this President and the Liberal Party have really served America for the better, NOT! 


  1. But the gas prices have shot up again.

    Funny how the illegal muslim from Kenya took credit for that and Chuck Cook gave it to him.

  2. Everything in our food stores comes from within a hundred miles & need not be so expensive to start with. Like organic, paying more for less.

  3. The President and the Democogs are easy targets, but the real culprit for our economic enslavement is the Federal Reserve and the evil foreign bankers behind the Federal Reserve. Let's not lose sight of the big picture.

  4. They propped up their phony Economic Indicators Index with reports of decreasing housing costs ..all the time there was no capital available to people desiring to buy homes.. while unemployment,taxes, and food prices soared

    Only seed capital around was literally interest free Fed Money lent to banks using their subsidiaries to engage in nefarious derivative trades. Robber barons on our dime.

  5. When gas went up the last time all food prices were raised because of the rise in shipment and gas prices. When the gas price went down none of these food prices were reduced. Now that gas is taking an increase, mark my word they will raise the prices of food even higher with the same reasoning. You can hardly afford to eat anymore.

  6. 9:08
    most prices are raised to what the Company feels the market will bear to fulfill their obligations to shareholders... and are calculated long before the short run expense of fluctuating Oil prices.

    These companies employ strategists and produce budgets way ahead of the fiscal year and present them as an outline to investors.

    Even in good times if you watched Proctor and Gambil's Tide prices were boosted every January religiously.

    I was involved in the 2015 Budget of a consumer product we all know and it was done before the end of the summer and the gas price falling.
    The budget had a price percentage rise and growth in sales fixed into the target I am expected to attain

    Sometimes it is to try and stay on track and boost revenues midstream when sales are not meeting expectations.


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