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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Google Moving To Shut Down Alternative Media By Ranking Sites On “Facts” Rather Than Popularity

Wants To Cross Check Websites Against Debunking Sites Such As Snopes.com

Search Engine giant Google, the major driver of traffic to the majority of media portals is moving to change the way it ranks websites, declaring that it intends to use known partisan debunking outlets to determine the “truthfulness” of content.

Currently, Google rankings are determined by the number of incoming links to a web page, meaning that if a story becomes popular it can be driven to the top of search results, and by viewed by millions of people.

However, this is a little too democratic for the liking of some, who only like to get their “facts” from pre-approved sources.



  1. It sounds like Google will no longer be a reliable search engine. Kind of like Net Neutrality; We'll give you everything at the same speed, but we'll decide what you get and what you don't.

  2. Glad we finally have the Ministry of Truth for all our information!

  3. Right from the Chinese People's IT Manual.

  4. It sounds like Google will be MORE reliable.

    They have always had the best results, and it's no accident. They change their algorithms on a regular basis.

    I know I'm annoyed when I search and top results are popular crap.

    You can't complain about what 'they' give you. Don't like it? Go to Bing, Yahoo or any of the competing search engines.

  5. Government net neutrality, play by our rules or don't play at all.

  6. 8:33
    Except net neutrality ensures that you options.


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