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Friday, March 27, 2015

Gay country star Steve Grand: ‘99% of the hate I get is from other gay people’

Steve Grand has claimed that the majority of hateful comments he gets online come from people in the gay community.

Grand shot to fame with the release of his gay-themed single All American Boy in 2013. Following one of the most successful Kickstarter music campaigns in the crowdfunding site’s history, he released his anticipated debut album last week.

In a new interview, the openly gay singer has revealed that “99% of the hate” that he gets online is from gay people who appear to think that he is trying to represent the entire gay community.



  1. Homosexuals have mental issues to start with. What do you expect

    1. So do heterosexuals. What's your point?

    2. Yeah but homosexuals have a head start.

  2. Ireton jealous? .

  3. Keep it in your bedroom nobody cares.

  4. see, even Gays hate new country ...

  5. The point is that homosexuals are mental and are a breed of humans that cannot reproduce . Thus they should disappear in time , hopefully. If not we should help them along.

  6. Mother Nature will deal with these people , as she has in the past.

  7. "Look at meeeee!"

    Keep it to yourself, mental midget! Nobody wants to know what you want to suck on.

    Are you benefiting Society?
    Do you work to help your fellow man?
    Do you do your part to keep America free?
    Do you use your success to uplift the downtrodden?

    Then STFU until you do.

    Tired of this crap....

  8. 4:31, you are the one sick. Shame on you. No I am not gay. map

  9. Homosexuality was removed from the mental health list of illnesses based on political pressure NOT scientific evidence.

  10. He sounds like the harassment has been a real pain in the butt to him...LOL..


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