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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ford cars slow when they see speed-limit signs

Ford is to sell a car that can read road signs and adjust its speed accordingly to ensure the vehicle is not driving too fast.

The speed-limiting tech can be activated via the steering wheel and briefly overridden by pressing firmly on the accelerator.

The car company suggests the facility will help drivers avoid fines and could reduce the number of accidents.

However, one expert said the innovation might only serve as a "stopgap".

"There's a plan for speed restrictions to be beamed to your car's computer systems and controlled from there, rather than requiring street sign visual recognition systems," said Paul Newton, an automotive industry analyst at the IHS consultancy.

"This would be part an extension of the networks that will connect vehicles, allowing cars to warn those behind them if they are slowing down, which is all part of a move toward autonomous vehicles that drive themselves."



  1. I hope it doesn't read the Rt. 13 sign as a speed limit sign and slow you down to 13 mph.

  2. IF your car has a computer, will they outlaw all pre-computer cars.

  3. 12:12 what about the rt. 90 sign?

  4. Uhm...if you need a car to make you slow down because you only have a third grade education and can't read signs or If you need a car that parallel parks for you, give back your drivers license and get back on your bigwheel!!

  5. 12:12--
    Or Rt. 113!

  6. You are aware Henry ford was a communist..Ministry of love will make it all right..you have the patriot act to protect you so sleep soundly

  7. i bet graffiti charges would go through the roof...

  8. Most cars would read the signs. On the shore a car would have seen the sign.

  9. Blogger bloggerhater1 said...
    i bet graffiti charges would go through the roof...

    March 26, 2015 at 4:05 PM

    I doubt it. No one has painted the speed cameras any longer.

  10. My cheapo $50 smart phone beeps when I go over the speed limit, if I'm using GPS maps. Doesn't read signs. Apparently an enormous database of speed limits.


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