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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ferguson-- President Continues to Fan the Flames

Even after the shooting of two police officers, President Barack Obama once again attempted to bolster the legitimacy of unrest in response to the death of Michael Brown by telling talk show host Jimmy Kimmel that Ferguson was “worthy of protest”.

“What had been happening in Ferguson was oppressive and objectionable and was worthy of protest. But there was no excuse for criminal acts,” Obama told Kimmel, before going on to say that the protesters had some “very legitimate grievances”.

Obama was referring to a Justice Department report which found that black people in Ferguson were being unfairly harassed by police, but his tone has never wavered despite the fact that the entire narrative underpinning the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has been repeatedly eviscerated. Even after mass looting and attacks on private property last year, Obama said that the rioters’ grievances were “legitimate” and “understandable”.

Earlier this month, the Justice Department also found that the claim Michael Brown had his hands up before he was shot by Officer Darren Wilson was “inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence” and that “witnesses have acknowledged their initial accounts were untrue” (ie they lied).

However, just as he sided with Trayvon Martin, in failing to acknowledge the fact that Brown was a criminal who tried to grab Wilson’s gun before punching him in the face, Obama has provided legitimacy to an often violent protest movement which has called for cops to be killed and directly inspired the murder of two police officers in New York.

More here


  1. A Hole of a fn CIC

  2. Excuse me. There are no "legitimate and understandable" excuses for looting and arson. What a moron and criminal way of thinking.

  3. This man is one piece of work.

  4. A community organizer fanning the flames? Never heard that one before.

  5. I forgot to say that Mexicans are very high on my most liked people list , good workers and good ethics.

  6. And 80 percent of Ferguson is Black! Of course more interaction will be made.

  7. The low intellectual level is receptive to his suggestions and he knows it.

  8. Exerp from the huffington post:

    In the city of Ferguson, nearly everyone is a wanted criminal.

    That may seem like hyperbole, but it is a literal fact. In Ferguson -- a city with a population of 21,000 -- 16,000 people have outstanding arrest warrants, meaning that they are currently actively wanted by the police. In other words, if you were to take four people at random, the Ferguson police would consider three of them fugitives.

  9. And the other 5,000 are already in prison.


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