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Friday, March 27, 2015

Fears of martial law as special ops set to swarm Texas and Southwest

Seven Southwestern states will soon be swarmed by 1,200 military special ops personnel as part of a controversial domestic military training in which some of the elite soldiers will operate undetected among civilians.

Operation Jade Helm begins in July and will last for eight weeks. Soldiers will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado where some of them wil drop from planes while carrying weapons loaded with blanks in what military officials have dubbed Realistic Military Training.

But with residents of the entire states of Texas and Utah dubbed 'hostile' for the purposes of the exercises, Jade Helm has some concerned the drills are too realistic.



  1. Why? Who in the Hell approved this operation and at what cost? And don't forget the simulated air strikes outside of Mardela last year.

  2. The soldiers better be careful because there are a lot of citizens that don't have blanks in their guns.

  3. We all know who's agenda this is and how it's going to end. If you didn't know or haven't prepared, you better get busy...fast! May God have mercy on our souls....

  4. Soldiers train for realistic scenario's under conditions which they are likely to be fighting.
    HUGE military bases afford them all the area they need to train, EXCEPT for the bothersome civilians.
    Are civilians now expected to follow orders from military personnel??
    If they set up a roadblock, do civilians HAVE to stop? If they are on private property and try using your barn as a headquarters, can you still shoot them (they have blanks....lol)?
    This should, despite all attempts to make this exercise innocuous, scare the living hell out of any thinking person.
    Take a look at some of the pictures of Jewish German citizens at the train stations. Any of THEM cheering?
    Don't let stop you, though.
    Keep cheering.

  5. The economy and the dollar are about to collapse. They are preparing for the riots to come when people realize their government has screwed them!

  6. This is excellent training for our special op military personnel.

  7. They're softening the heartland.

  8. This kenyan king needs to go, This exercise is just that; an exercise to seize control of our country by any means. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

  9. There will be lives lost both civilian and military.What a stupid idea!

  10. Although the training is probably a good idea, not thoroughly informing the public is likely...probably going to result in some rather unfortunate incidents involving the "hostiles"...

  11. A good idea for what 3:19? Can you say Naive?

  12. 4:13 The part about parachuting from planes, handling their weapons and so on. But practicing as if for an "invasion" of uncooperative states, isn't going to go over well with (armed) American citizens. That's why the government should be open and upfront about what is going on and why. Not that I particularly trust the government, but to avoid being "mistaken" (I hope) for a true civil war on dissenting citizens, they'd do well to avoid appearing to be a potential threat.


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