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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Ex-Airline Inspector: Nobody Safe From Suicidal Pilots

A former airline safety inspector says if a commercial pilot wants to commit suicide by crashing his jet, there's little anybody can do to stop him.

"If somebody's intent on committing suicide or whatever and they [are locked] in the cockpit, it's very, very difficult to prevent it," John Goglia, a 50-year air safety veteran, told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.



  1. They are talking about having two pilots , that's stupid.
    What the hell was the pilot doing out of the cockpit. Simple solution , pilots stay in the place where they belong. Done deal. People on the flight sometimes have to stay in there seats , actually most of the time.
    The cockpit has everything they need , food , restroom , tv . etc.

  2. Not all have bathrooms

  3. Reports say he left to use the restroom. They must not have one up front for the pilots.

  4. 6:17 Would you like it if your employer told you you couldn't take a bathroom break? Just piss, or crap, in your pants? No, you wouldn't. There is a protocol in place for the pilot, or co-pilot, to use the restroom...and I guess it wasn't followed in this case.

    Regardless, if a weak minded COWARD is going to off him/herself, they should at least not take others with them. Go jump off a bridge, shoot yourself, OD, hang yourself... whatever. You're the one with issues, not me... kindly exit by yourself.

  5. 6:17-I was not aware that the cockpit had a restroom,but your comment makes sense.

  6. What kind of medication was this guy on? Some of that stuff can drive someone insane! We're all test pilots for big pharmacy.

  7. Y'all be a bunch of idiots! Try reading and comprehending a few articles about how this tragedy happened. There are not bathrooms in the cockpit.

  8. So an open crapper in the cockpit would've prevented this 10:22? Sounds like you're the idiot!

  9. After 9/11 - the government ordered the doors to be reinforced - which essentially facilitated this disaster.

    As with most government solutions - it's not for the real problem...

    Keep the wrong people out of the airplane - or whatever transportation system.

    The TSA is another example - we're not any safer...just all more pissed off at these Totally Stupid A$$40les!

  10. I guess now we need to ban airplanes since planes kill...lets start with banning any plane with a capacity to hold more the 25people!! ..HURRY UP Md pass another stupid law ...what really bothers me is that the media overlooks the real source of all these mass shootings increase in suicides and such evil acts. ALL the DIRECT result of psychotic and pharmaceutical drugs pushed by the pharmaceutical industry and covered up by our government. A nut is a nut with a gun knife car plane rock or his hands..zooloft, prozac etc. All have suicidal side effects. These drugs are causing these increases in nuts cases

  11. 10:53 the open crapper is your mouth. The solution is to never have only one person in the cockpit. If pilot or copilot needs to leave, then another crew member goes in.
    There are male, female, gay, straight and probably some in betweens that are pilots, there will never be an "open crapper" in an airplane cockpit like the one you probably have in your trailer.

    1. Well you're so smart 12:28! Why aren't you an airplane cockpit crapper designer as well as a pilot crapping policy maker. Seems like your talents are just going down the .... well, you're a smart person, I think you can figure it out.

  12. Technology will eventually allow someone from the ground to take over navigation of the planes until they can be safely landed by remote ground/satellite control. Just not at that point yet.

  13. Not to change the subject,but when car hacking gets to be a really serious problem people are going to be looking for pre computer cars.I for one wouldn't have any problem whatsoever having to drive a 60's or 70's car.I did it for a long time.The comment made by 2:20 reminded me of the vulnerability of all technology relevant to transportation.


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