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Saturday, March 28, 2015

'Drunk' driving Secret Service agents may not have actually been drunk

WASHINGTON (ABC News) - New documents obtained by ABC News reveal conflicting accounts by top Secret Service officials about whether two senior agents were drunk when they drove into the White House complex.

It all started with an allegation -- via anonymous email -- that Secret Service agents were “extremely intoxicated” as they drove through an active crime scene set up just outside the White House complex on the evening of March 4.

But documents obtained by ABC News show that two senior Secret Service officials who believed the two agents involved in the now infamous incident were not intoxicated, based on their interactions with the agents that evening. The agents, Marc Connolly and George Ogilvie, had been accused of driving through the crime scene near a White House gate while possibly under the influence of alcohol after attending a retirement party for a colleague.



  1. Communist Cummings' concern is overwhelming

  2. This is most assuredly true.., he's a cop, ain't he?

  3. Oh, of COURSE they were completely sober! Gosh, guys, what were we thinking? They had just gotten out of a church service!


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