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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Does ANYONE Know Where 60 Foot Road Is In Salisbury? WBOC Does!

Hey Idiots, it's in Pittsville, not Salisbury.


  1. WBOC doesn't get out much, do they?

  2. There are many addresses on Sixty Foot Road that are Parsonsburg.. not just Pittsville. But definitely none in Salisbury!

  3. does anyone watch that station anymore?
    i know we don't.


  5. Someone attempted to insult my intelligence once before,but it did not work.Nice try.

  6. Stop the hating and remember there was a life lost here....be glad it wasn't someone you know and love. We would do anything to bring them back. :-(

  7. 9:55 am....I believe we were discussing WBOC, not the accident or the fact that Wicomico County has REFUSED to put a STOP LIGHT...NOT A FLASHING YIELD LIGHT there...no one is hating on anybody except for feel good WBOC....WMDT is so much better!!

  8. For the idiot that says make that intersection blocked to cross over......read this. Here is why it happened. Again most times its careless driving. It seems this time it's two vehicles filled with old folks. Its not dangerous. The drivers are. I guess guns kill people to. Huh

  9. 3:15 you are an idiot. Age has nothing to do with it. It is a dangerous intersection and for some reason people do not want to wait until it is safe to cross Rt. 50. Everytime I come up to that intersection I have my foot touching the brake pedal.

    1. I live there. Don't tell me I'm an idiot. And please tell me old drivers are safe! I cut cars there every time a MVC happens. I know what the deal is.

  10. If they want to stop most of the accidents that occur in that intersection they need to post a sheriffs deputy and start writing tickets to all the idiots I see running through that stop sign. I have personally witnessed 3 cars crossing west bound 50 at the same time. The first car goes and the next two followed. It's ridiculous.

    1. No its not! Its the perfectly square intersection with perfect 90° sight. No way. Just ask 4:06!

  11. Well Pittsville and Parsonsburg are suburbs of Salisbury... so technically they were sort of right...

    Like Baltimore, some towns are in the Baltimore area so they will say Baltimore instead of the exact town


  12. Sad someone was killed there, again.

    How about signs in all directions warning "___ Days Since Last Accident At This Intersection" Electronic update of data.

    Like safety signs outside workplaces.


  13. WBOC could use the helicopter to highlight Delmarva's most dangerous intersections and highway stretches per Tell Us What To Feature requests.

    Could follow that up with helicopter showing mayor's favorite pub crawl spots.

    And then spots where council members have worked for at least a year.


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