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Thursday, March 26, 2015


Government purposely floods country with convicted criminals

Judicial Watch today released 76 pages of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents revealing that as of April 26, 2014, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had released 165,900 convicted criminal aliens throughout the United States, including many convicted of such violent crimes as homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. (Reports recently detailed that ICE released another 30,000 in the most recent fiscal year, which brings the grand total of known criminals released by the Obama administration to 195,900.)

The documents were released through a July 21, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:14-cv-01237)) filed by Judicial Watch after DHS failed to respond to a May 15 FOIA request seeking:

Any and all records of communications including, but not limited to, emails and memoranda, to or from personnel in the office of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (including its component offices, such as the Office of Public Affairs), from May 1 to May 15, 2014, concerning, regarding, or related to the report published by the Center for Immigrations Studies concerning the release of 36,000 criminal aliens.



  1. Isn't this more in line with something Communists would do to their enemy?
    (hint hint)

  2. and you think homeland security is protecting american citizens it is all part of the democratic political scheme dont rock any boats or step on anybodies toes, it wont help the next election obama and the other dems in congress have ruined the american peoples faith in the political system now they are just waiting for the country to destroy itself BUT STILL MY COUNTRY ,RIGHT OR WRONG

  3. If ever a conflict of terms were to exist, here it is.
    The Department of Homeland Security releases 165,900 'alien' criminals back into society., the 'Homeland'.
    No rutting wonder we're going to hell in a handbasket. With logic like that there's no where else to go.


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