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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Do You Remember the 60s Slang?

sixties slang 60s slang 1960s  

The 1960s era had some of its own slang where some of these began in the 1960s era while others were just passed down. Some of these words and phrases are still used by our kids and grandchildren. Do you remember some of these 60s slang? If you can think of anymore please email me at the60sofficialsite@verizon.net   or leave a comment in the Guestbook so I can include them on the site. Enjoy
  1. A Gas - Having a lot of fun.
  2. All Show and No Go - Pretty car.  Nice wheels and so forth. Looks good put has no go power.
  3. Ape: Used with verbs gone or went. (i.e. "When I came home an hour late my parents went ape.)
  4. BA - Could mean Bare All or Bare Ass.
  5. Bad - Awesome
  6. Bad Ass - Tough guy
  7. Bag - Meant to steal. Who bagged my wallet? Also "what's your bag?", which meant "What's your problem?"
  8. Ball - To Party as in Little Richard's song "Good Golly Miss Molly, you sure like to ball." Also meant to have intercourse.
  9. Bum a Smoke - Borrow a cigarette from another person [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Orient, Ohio] 
  10. Beat Feet - Leave the area quickly.
  11. Birth Control Seats - Referred to cars with bucket seats
  12. Bitchin' - Good, great, or awesome
  13. Blast - Had a great time like "I had a blast at the dance."
  14. Blitzed - Drunk
  15. Book - Leave the scene
  16. Bookin' - Going real fast
  17. Boss - Cool or fantastic - The new album I just bought is boss!
  18. Bread - Money
  19. Brew - Beer
  20. Brody or Brody Out - To skid half a circle with your brakes locked up.
  21. Bug Out - Leave the premises
  22. Bummed Out - Depressed
  23. Burn Rubber - Squeal out with your tires spinning and leaving rubber on the asphalt.
  24. Candyass - A Wimp or uncool thing or person.
  25. Cat- Guy
  26. Catch some Z's - Go to sleep [thanks to Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio] 
  27. Cherry - Pristine or mint condition. That car is cherry!
  28. Chick - girl or woman
  29. Chicken (To Play) - Two cars drive head on towards each other and the first to pull away is a coward.
  30. Chinese Firedrill -  A Car is stopped at a red light and all occupants of the car get out of the car andrun around it and get back in the car while holding up traffic.
  31. Church Key - Before poptop cans, there were openers that were designed to puncture the beer can to drink from it.
  32. Chrome Dome - Bald Man [thanks to Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio]
  33. Clean - Exceptional looking i.e. That's a clean looking Chevy [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Orient, Ohio] 
  34. Cool - Nice
  35. Cool Head - Nice guy
  36. Cool Pipes - Mellow sounding exhaust system [Thanks to Glen Teason from Texas]
  37. Cop a Feel - Touching a girl's no touch zone pretending it was accidental.
  38. Cotties - Unkind remark, As in "Stay away she's got cooties" (bugs) [Thanks to Glen Teason from Texas]
  39. Crash - go to bed / sleep [thanks to Gregg Stotesbery  Tecumseh, MO]
  40. Cruising - Driving up and down the strip, street or town looking for members of the opposite sex.
  41. Cutout  - leave the scene or area (also see Split) [Thanks to Slolne from NY]
  42. D.A. - Guy hair style. Combed like a duck's ass [Thanks to Glen Teason from Texas]
  43. Decked Out - All Dressed Up
  44. Dibs - Used with the word got. "I got dibs on that seat." Meaning you own it.
  45. Dig - Do you understand?
  46. Ditz - An idiot
  47. Don't Flip Your Wig - In other words don't go ape.
  48. Don't Have A Cow - (See above)
  49. Don't Sweat It - Don't let it bother you.
  50. Drag - Race for a short distance. Also means dull. Also, a puff from a cigarette.
  51. Drop a Dime - use the pay phone [thanks to Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio]
  52. Dude - A geek
  53. Fab - Fantastic
  54. Fag - A cigarette [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Orient, Ohio)
  55. Far-out -  awesome [thanks to Gregg Stotesbery  Tecumseh, MO] Also see outta sight
  56. Fine as Wine - Good-looking - as The guy or girl is "fine as wine" [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Orient, Ohio]
  57. Fink - Tattletale
  58. Five Finger Discount - Anything acquired by theft
  59. Flake - A useless person
  60. Flip Flops - Thongs that you wore on your feet
  61. Floor Box - floor mounted transmission shifter [Thanks to Glen Teason from Texas]
  62. Flower Child - A Hippie
  63. Foam Domes - padded bras [thanks to Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio] 
  64. Four on the Floor - See Floor Box [Thanks to Glen Teason from Texas]
  65. Fox - An outstanding looking chick (also see "Stone Fox")
  66. Freakin' Out - getting excited or a panic attack [thanks to Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio]
  67. Fuzz - The Police
  68. Go All The Way - Have Sex
  69. Going Steady - Dating only one person
  70. Groovy - Nice or neat
  71. Glasspacks - Mufflers lined with fiberglass to muffle the sound. The shorter the muffler the louder the sound.
  72. Gum Ball Machine - the old fashion lights on a police cruiser [thanks to Gloria Damron of Sebring, Ohio]
  73. Hacked or Hacked Off - Mad or teed off.
  74. Hairy - Out of control
  75. Hang Loose - Take it easy
  76. Hauls Ass - A car really moves. "Tom's Chevy sure hauls ass."
  77. Hickey - See Love Bite
  78. Hip - Very Cool
  79. Hodad - a non-surfer, just hangs around the beach
  80. Hopped up - Souped up like a car
  81. Hunk - What a girl calls a good looking guy
  82. Kissup - Teacher's Pet or person that will do anything to please another person in authority.
  83. Later - Goodbye
  84. Lay A Patch - Burn rubber with car wheels as you leave
  85. Lay It On Me - Tell me or speak your piece
  86. "Let's hat up" - generally used in the military. Since you had to wear a hat while in uniform while outside so when leaving a building you would say "lets hat up." [Thanks to T. Wertz from Salt Lake City for sending that one in. I remember that expression well.]
  87. Loaded - Intoxicated or drunk
  88. Love Bite - Also known as a hickey - Red mark on a person made by suction of a kiss by lips and tongue. [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Orient, Ohio)
  89. Make Out - Kissing
  90. Meanwhile Back At The Ranch - It was used to get the storyteller back on track to the story he was telling.  In other words, get to the point. It was meant to keep it short. Phrase came from serial westerns.
  91. Midnight Auto Supply - Auto parts stolen
  92. Mill. Engine - As in, "What kind of mill you running in that thing?" [Thanks to Glen Teason from Texas]
  93. Moo Juice - milk [thanks to Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio]
  94. Moon - To drop your pants and show your bare butt
  95. Neato - Sharp
  96. Old Lady or Old Man - Referred to Mom and Dad [Now a days may refer to wife of husband]
  97. On the Rag - in a foul mood [thanks to Greg Stotesberry, Tecumseh Mo]
  98. Open Pipes - Loud car without mufflers. "Hey man, sounds like you're running open pipes" [Thanks to Glen Teason from Texas]
  99. Outta Sight or Out of Sight - awesome [Thanks to Johnny Clavin from New Orleans] Also see Far Out
  100. Padiddle - A car with only one headlight working. [thanks to Gloria Damrod from Sebring, Ohio]
  101. Passion Pit - Drive-in Movie
  102. Pedal Pushers - calf high pants worn by girls called today "capris" [submitted by Carol Ann-Cella-Kirner West Caldwell, NJ]
  103. Peel Out - Burn or leave rubber with your car
  104. Pig - Cop or a Promisculous Girl 
  105. Pig Out - Overeat
  106. Pits, the   the worst, nasty, bad, awful, meaningless (i.e. "this place is the pits") [Thanks to Thumpa Clift, Sarasota, Florida]
  107. Pound  - To beat up somebody i.e. "I'm gonna pound you." [Thanks to Jan Johnston of Plymouth, Michigan for this one.]
  108. Queer - Something to be considered dorky or dumb, as in:  Those shoes are so queer!  Also, a derogatory slang word for a homosexual person. [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Orient, Ohio) 
  109. Rap - to talk [thanks to Mary Klett from Florida for this one]
  110. Rave On - Please keep it going - [Thanks to Andrea Fox from North Carolina] 
  111. Retard - A really socially inept, dorky person (insensitive word to use today) [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Columbus, Ohio]
  112. Ride -  car, truck, or motorcycle [thanks to Greg Stotesberry, Tecumseh Mo]
  113. Right On -  exactly or I second that. [Thanks to Nina Gilberti from Philadelphia]
  114. Score - Going all the way with a girl
  115. Shades - Sunglasses
  116. Sharp - Real Good Looking [Thanks to Leslie Hardman, Orient, Ohio]
  117. Shotgun - Passenger seat in the front seat of a car next to the door. The place of honor. You had to call out "shotgun" first to win the honor. Once you vacate the car the honor is once again up for grabs.
  118. Skag - An ugly girl
  119. Skank - See Skag
  120. Skirt - A girl
  121. Skuzz - Low down, disgusting person also used as Skuzz bucket which could mean an ugly car as well.
  122. Slam Book - a pass around book filled with questions to answer on your fellow classmates. [Thanks to Jan Johnston of Plymouth, Michigan]
  123. Slug Bug/Safety Pin - If you see someone with a Volkswagon beetle you yell out Slug Bug. But if the person you intend to hit yells Safety pin, you can't hit them. [Lindalee Stuckey, Illinois]
  124. Slut - very promiscuous girl
  125. Split - leave the scene or area  (Also see Cutout) [Thanks to Slolne from NY]
  126. Solid - I got it or I'm with you [Thanks to Nina Gilberti from Philadelphia]
  127. Square - Somebody not cool
  128. Stacked - A girl well endowed or built
  129. Stoned - High on pot [thanks to Gregg Stotesbery  Tecumseh, MO]
  130. Stone Fox - Extremely beautiful girl [thanks to Cindy from South Carolina]
    • Stood Up - A no-show for a date
  131. Stuck Up - Conceited
  132. Submarine Races - Parking next to a water shore to wait for the submarine races to which of coursewas only an excuse to park and make out. For your information there were no such thing as a submarine race.
  133. Swapping Spit - French Kissing to the maximum
  134. Sweat Hog - Fat Chick or Fat Guy
  135. The Bird - The Middle Finger
  136. Threads  - clothes [thanks to Mary Klett from Florida for this one]
  137. Toke - taking a puff on a joint [thanks to Gregg Stotesbery  Tecumseh, MO]
  138. Tough or Tuff - Great looking or cherry "She sure is a tough chick"
  139. Toys in the attic or she's got toys - a young woman too immature or naive for her age [thanks to Ed Robinson of Denver, CO]
  140. Twitchin - Like Bitchin and means the same thing. [thanks to Gregg Stotesbery  Tecumseh, MO]
  141. Wedgie - When somebody pulls your underwear up from the back and ends in the crack. Some of today's underwear are made for that purpose; they call them thongs.
  142. Wiz, Take a - Urinate
  143. Woody - An erection
  144. Zits - Pimples

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