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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Do You Agree Or Disagree?


  1. Careful what you ask for dk you want obama 21yo idiots running the country?

  2. I totally agree. There should be term limits. Public service should never be a career.

  3. they have all been in office to long we need to limit them to 4 to 6 years

  4. The people keep reelecting them....if there weren't term limits on the presidency, we wouldn't have to worry about the Hildabeast as the current POSOTUS would get reelected by the too many idiots that are allowed to vote!

  5. 100% agreed. One of the problems of our system. The other happened 100 years ago when Senators were elected by the people rather than the state legislators. Another issue was when they granted themselves salaries. The original intent was to serve with only a travel allowance given.

  6. Agree wholeheartedly!!

  7. Absolutely. Two terms and out, with no bloody retirement. Serving should be a public service, not a bloody lifeline.

  8. agree 100%! plus they make too much money!

  9. I liked it better when Senators were appointed by the State and owed their allegiance to the State and not a bunch of ill informed voters. Repeal the 17th.

  10. I agree! 2 year term, 2 terms max. NO lifetime pension, and healthcare provided by ACA.

  11. The only problem with term limits would then be they would be voting for their pet bills without any regard for their constituents and without fear of not being reelected. More people could and would then be buying them off with the promise of high paying jobs. There are pros and cons to the whole term limit debate.

  12. If term limits are good for the president then its good for everyone else.

  13. TERM LIMITS...

  14. 2 and done, period. A politician for life may be okay, but needs to keep switching venues. Still, I'd rather see them not be carer politicians, They need to keep ties with us commoners so they know what the problems are.

    That's why Mike McDermott is the best candidate out there.

    Oh, wait! Didn't Babs just announce her retirement? Can she get her desk emptied by tomorrow? Can we move Mike in until the election?


  15. There is no respect for seniority anymore. These men and women have served for many years and I am grateful to ALL of them for caring enough to try to make our country and lives better. Dems and Republicans alike. Most of you have no idea what public service is about. Try it sometime; it might change your bitter little minds.

  16. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMarch 19, 2015 at 11:50 PM

    3 Terms Max. After that back to work like everyone else.


  17. We would benefit from a better mix of incentives to serve and restrictions on making a career out of it, while recognizing that it takes some time to get acclimated. Caution needs to be taken that we don't end up shifting all power to bureaucrats and staffers because of congressional inexperience.

    Some suggestions:

    Max of 5 terms in the House and 2 in the Senate; could serve max in each house. 1 extra term for 3 highest leadership posts in each party in each house; must resign if they lose the post in extended term.

    Pay: 125% of average wage earnings of citizens in their district (House) and state (Senate). Reset each election.

    Pension: Defined contribution by US of $7K per year; eligible to draw at 65. 401(k) match at 50%.

    Lodgings: Buy hotel or two. Free lodgings for congressperson and dependents during their term. If they choose to forgo lodgings for their term = $10k pay bump. Free food, cafeteria style for them and family. Army breakfast. Moochie lunch. Applebee/Denny's/Olive Garden style dinner.

    Free Metro transport for self and dependents.

    That's it.

  18. Being in congress is a service to the people and should never be a career! Two terms is enough and if your ideas are or were great than the next one replacing you would continue with the work you started!

  19. I would rather have continuity of a good representative for years than endure the ineptitude of someone elected in a rejection election. Term limits are already in place. It's called voting.


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