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Friday, March 27, 2015

Details emerge in Berlin vandalism

The Worcester County State’s Attorney’s office continues a quiet approach to the Jan. 25 vandalism spree in downtown Berlin suspected to have been perpetrated by a trio of teenagers, but more details continue to emerge from other sources.

According to a statement of charges, Berlin Police were dispatched to the municipal parking lot at 103 Williams Street at approximately 11:38 that evening in response to a call that several vehicles had been spray-painted.

Law enforcement logged 10 vehicles, three buildings, four trashcans and 10 electric meters tagged with spray paint at the site.

On the following morning, police received 23 additional reports of damaged vehicles and recovered several discarded cans of spray paint.



  1. break there hands

  2. Breaking hands puts them on permanent welfare. A thousand hours of community service doing manual labor might get their attention.

  3. Put a orange suit on them and have them pick up trash for 50 miles.

  4. Put them in the military.

  5. Spray paint there faces and give em a brillo pad.

  6. Jordan Denton 18 of OC was involved. According to article linked he joked on Twitter about being an hour late for court. What trash, what utter trash. His mother should have a foot shoved up her butt until she chokes to death for being a complete and utter failure as a mother. Useless eaters is all these people are-mother and son. Probably doesn't even know who the baby daddy is. That's par for course for these loser "families."

  7. Too bad their photos aren't posted so we all know who they are. Shaming people publicly is a good deterrent...well, for some people.

    Their parents should be ashamed of them.


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