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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cornell University: ISIS Welcome On Campus

A top administrator at Cornell University has said that the institution would be open to the creation of a group supporting the Islamic State (ISIS) and to hosting a training camp for militants on campus.

Project Veritas sent an undercover reporter posing as a Moroccan student to question Cornell's assistant dean for students, Joseph Scaffido.

Scaffido was open to inviting an ISIS "freedom fighter" to the campus and likened a possible training camp to bringing in a coach to the school for a sports camp.

"You would be allowed to do something like that. It's just like bringing in a coach, to do a training, a sports trainer or something," the Cornell official said.

He also appeared to agree with the suggestion of allowing the group to provide material support for the militant group in the form of "care packages, whether it be food, water, electronics."

When asked whether the group could also support Hamas, Scaffido said it would not be a problem either.



  1. OMG, freaking unbelieveable. Just what we need.

  2. Isn't this treasonous?
    Someone just arrested for trying to join

  3. This is clearly yet another example of how liberal colleges ruin young minds. It is painfully obvious this administrator has been educated beyond his intelligence.

  4. Aiding and abetting the enemy.
    I could also see conspiracy (of multiple counts), accessory to murder, and maybe some RICO Act violations.

    These liberal goof dimwits are ready to fund, clothe, and aid the very people who have ANNOUNCED their intention to come HERE and kill us.
    IMAGINE what we would have done to Americans who tried to send aid to German soldiers.
    How f'ing STUPID are the people at Cornell??? Answer? Off the chart.
    Keep cheering. At least, as long as the people at Cornell let you keep your head attached to your body.

  5. If Cornell receives any government funding, this should totally stop that! This is amazing. What are they thinking? What is the military doing about this?

  6. Hopefully the libtarded rainbow loving cornellers heads are the first on the ISIS chopping block

  7. Why don't college students "protest" terrorism, fascism, or real hate groups?


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