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Friday, March 27, 2015

Congressman Harris: State of Maryland Misled the Federal Government in Health Exchange Debacle

Harris Requested Audit of State Exchange

Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) commended the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General for releasing their report on the failed Maryland Health Exchange and uncovering that the state of Maryland intentionally misled the federal government in allocating funds to the exchange. Congressman Harris, along with then Congressman Jack Kingston (GA-01), requested this audit of the Maryland Health Exchange after the disastrous rollout. The audit found that the state had misled the federal government and misallocated $28.4 million in taxpayer dollars to the failed health exchange. The Inspector General is recommending to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that Maryland be forced to repay the money in total.

“We knew the launch of the website was a disaster, but now we know the O’Malley Administration misallocated federal funds. This audit was critically important, and I believe the state will have to return the appropriate amount of money to the federal government. This is just another example of Governor Hogan having to clean up Governor O’Malley’s mistakes,” said Congressman Harris.
It is possible the state may be able to lower the number from $28.4m because the money could be recouped from Medicaid. This audit did not look at other items related to the exchange but focused solely on whether the state followed federal guidelines. The audit looked at failures of the state as a whole, and does not assign specific blame to individuals.


  1. If true and intentional, can Marty be arrested?

  2. Like this should come as any surprise to anyone.That is all the democrats know how to do-lie and mislead. They are proficient at this and nothing else. A foul bunch of dishonest immoral degenerates who aren't worthy to breath the same air as those who value the basic pillars of a civilized society. If their children were any better they would publicly disown this group who have made a mess of this country for them.

  3. Forget about this arrest/recall nonsense. That isn't going to happen. The only way to show these liars is to loudly and publicly humiliate them and their families/friends/supporters. Take no prisoners. Friends and family are not off limits because they are responsible for these louses getting elected. Make their private lives open to the public. Post any and all about them-esp the bad and the ugly.

  4. Yeah, unfortunately 11:45 is probably right. Too much money and effort to arrest and try them. It should not be forgotten however when election time rolls around. Hogan won because of it - let's not let Marylanders' ever forget how the Democraps let us down.

  5. MOM takes his circus on the road and his Lt Gov/Gov candidate also-ran sent me a fundraising email this morning. The Feds are going to make me pay for their failures. Priceless :(

  6. Its onIy going to get worse the Democrats have eroded any financial stability in the economy they're wanting spending and their support of the unions and bad trade treaties have destroyed the industrious base of this nation

  7. Find some accountability for the those thieves Harris...or hit the road wimp!

  8. There's no difference in this and a House representative misleading his constituents.


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