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Friday, March 27, 2015

Congressman Harris Applauds Veterans Choice Program Change

Harris has been outspoken advocate for this change

Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., a Navy veteran and physician who worked in both the military and veteran health systems, applauded the Department of Veterans’ Affairs announcement that will change the formula to determine eligibility in the Veterans Choice Program. Congressman Harris has repeatedly urged the VA to reconsider how they measure the 40 mile distance necessary to take part in the Veterans Choice Program and seek care from a private medical facility. The VA will now determine eligibility based on driving distance, instead of a straight line distance.

“Our veterans put their lives on the line for our nation; they deserve the best possible care, whether they seek it at the VA or a private facility. The change in policy for the Veterans Choice Program is great news for our veterans who have suffered long distances to get routine care. Many veterans will now have a choice in their health care,” said Congressman Harris.

The Veterans Choice Program was created by the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA), which was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President last August. Many of the veterans in Maryland’s First District that live on the Eastern Shore are separated from VA facilities in Baltimore by the Chesapeake Bay and must travel long distances to receive care.

“During my training, I worked in a VA hospital and I understand the bureaucratic mess that has done a disservice to those who have fought to protect our freedom. I will continue to fight for our veterans to ensure that they receive the care they need and deserve,” added Congressman Harris.

Congressman Harris has been a vocal leader in the fight to reform the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

For more information on the policy change, visit the VA’s website.

1 comment:

  1. From Jim Ireton's FB page:

    Chuck Cook
    March 20 at 4:29pm ·

    Money quote from this morning's interview with Mayor Ireton

    "Our Congressman gets paid $175,000 a year to work for us, and, instead, we get him winking on camera."
    - Jim Ireton

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    Jackie Wellfonder, Jamie Heater and 37 others like this.

    Chuck Cook - It's a reference to something that happened a while back. It's a nod to the idea that Harris is doing nothing in DC for the residents of the 1st District.
    March 20 at 4:44pm · Like · 2


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