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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-24-15

Joe, I stumbled across an interesting website this morning:

Best Public Schools in MD

I decided to do a little research on the school on the list; more particularly, the Counties in which they operate.

Of the 100 schools on the list:
59 in Montgomery
31 in Howard
4 in Frederick
3 in Prince George's
2 in Calvert
1 in Worcester
O in Wicomico

I took it a step further and started looking at teacher salaries (Min to Max - Maryland Public Schools, 2013-2014):
Montgomery $46,410 to $105,707
Howard $45,971 to $80,405
Frederick $40,706 to $95,007
Prince George's $44,799 to $90,843
Calvert $45,046 to $99,110
Worcester $42,987 to $78,444
Wicomico $43,987 to $76,589

Given the much lower cost of living in Wicomico County, Teacher salaries for Wicomico seem to be on par with those Counties making the list. In fact, despite making less money, teachers would fair much better in Wicomico County over other counties due to the differences in cost of living.

So teacher salaries are likely not the cause as to why Wicomico didn't make this list... Let's look at cost per student for 2014-2015 (from County budgets)

Montgomery: $15,025
Howard: $14,274
Frederick: $16,813
Prince George's: $13,944
Calvert: $12,657
Worcester: $14,705
Wicomico: $14,338

Again, Wicomico comes in on par with cost per student being merely $687 shy of of the list leader, Montgomery County. If anything, Wicomico benefits from the lower general cost of being on the Shore thus making it's dollar stretch farther.

So what is the problem here? What do these counties have that Wicomico does not? ELECTED SCHOOL BOARDS! All of the Counties that made the list have an elected school board. This tells us that Wicomico can throw all the money it wants into "education" but that money is ineffective if it is mismanaged or poorly appropriated. There is absolutely no reason why we operate in the same State as these other counties yet are so sub-par. It isn't about money folks (well it is about money - SAVING IT!), it is all about leadership and quality decision making! I encourage everybody look into and support moving to an elected school board in Wicomico County - that would truly be a decision "for the kids"



  2. Ummm.
    You cite the salaries of teachers, but those aren't the measure of good schools, at least for this survey. The criteria for ranking in this survey are as follows:

    A high ranking in Overall Experience generally indicates that:

    Students are very happy with their experiences in all aspects, especially academics, teachers, and diversity;
    The school is an exceptional academic institution in terms of teachers, students, resources for learning, and student outcomes;
    The school is made up of a diverse population and fosters an accepting, positive school culture.

    So, to validate your theory, where do Wicomico's elementary school deficits lie in reference to the criteria of the survey, and how do they relate to an appointed vs. elected/partially elected school board? Not that I'm saying that an elected school board is not a good idea, just that I don't connect with your analysis without seeing some convincing proofs.

  3. For Christ's sake! This thing is about a referendum, a vote by the PEOPLE! Let it be, let it get going! What is it that Mary Ashanti and Ms. Ireton are so afraid of?

  4. Wicomico super low

  5. NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. 5:25
    Not only that...take your list of counties in the order you have them. You'll find a very strong correlation to other factors known to relate to school performance, including those found to be far more related and causative, such as family income, education of parents, 2 vs. 1 parent households, level of parental involvement in schools.

    Schools can only work with the students they receive. Parents play a far larger role in the success of children than schools.

    Using OP's logic, you could find anything to blame on the performance of Eastern Shore schools...the schools closer to DC tend to perform better, but I bet OP doesn't think it's because they're closer to the President. But then again, any fool can lie with statistics.

    1. Winner, Winner chicken dinner. MoCo has much better students entering the system to begin with. So many of these rankings are based on test scores. A smart kid will likely do ok even in a crappy school, but his or her test scores won't do much to make the school look better on test scores.

  7. We need to know why Kevin Johnson and James Ireton were against the referendum, while they are both on the WCEA board of directors with Stefanie Lewis. What is going on? Why are board members of the teachers union campaigning against the referendum while the union came out and said they were for it?

    1. It's a union game! The union doesn't want us to have an elected board. Send Ireton and Johnson to say one thing and then the Vice Pres Lewis to say another so it looks like the union supports it. They DONT! Look no further than Mathias's position for Wicomico elected school board. Mathias does whatever the union wants as the union provided him a lot of money for reelection. MSEA and WCEA want us to think they support an elected B O E but in reality they don't . Please don't be fooled by Ms. Lewis and the corrupt union she represents.

  8. Elected school board and school vouchers

  9. Just another fact: I get so upset that they have "Professional Days" yet they don't attend the seminars. I hear teachers all the time say "well, I was suppose to go, but decided not to". It isn't mandatory for "Professional" days to report to work and go to Professional Development Seminars. It is so fustrating! That is stealing tax payer dollars!

    1. ^Teacher chiming in right there...

    2. I agree. It's pathetic to just use the teacher conf day to binge watch Netflix

  10. And in Montgomery the typical parent has a college degree, and many have advanced degrees -- that is the most significant difference, along with the fact that the average kid there has an I-pad by the time he/she is 3 years old.


    1. absurd response and putting it in all caps makes you appear that much more ridiculous.

  12. 6:39
    That would be like giving one race car driver a NASCAR-spec vehicle and another your '72 Pinto, and then paying them based on results in a race. The problem, as alluded by 6:25, begins much earlier than when the child enters the school.

    When adults in this county get their lives and families together - and stop relying on schools to raise their children rather than simply educate them - you'll see improvement. The differences between Wicomico & Howard are far greater than the mechanism by which school board members are selected. To presume otherwise is a gross oversimplification.

    Things won't get better if we don't get beyond these oversimplification and address the root causes of all the issues (drug use, crime, test scores, and more).

  13. These teachers are not worth the pay they are getting they obviously are Not doing there job.

    The state scores says it ALL.

  14. There are teachers that do THEIR jobs but it is painfully obvious that 7:06 was not lucky enough to have been taught by one of them.

    1. Hmmmm
      Explain how Bennett middle is ranked 200 out of 265 but teachers are making. $65,000 each of my tax dollars for crap ratings ????

  15. Do some research in some of those schools on the list - you'll be shocked to know that some are in districts with worse social and economic problems. I didn't post this to ramble off statistics - I am well aware that statistics often lie, but the numbers stated are FACTS and not something that I used to skew the truth.

    I realize that this ranking was subjective, but what makes people happy with a school?? SUCCESS. If theire kids were failing out and getting in trouble do you think that they wouldn't blame the school? These schools have bad students too and some are in districts far worse than those of Wicomico County - how did they make the list? Perhaps those schools manage their "liabilities" a lot better. On the other hand, Wicomico has several districts with better social and economic student body - why weren't they on the list?

    Also keep in mind that just because folks in the DC metro area make more money doesn't mean they net more. Somebody on the Shore could make $75,000 but be better off than somebody making $100,000 in Montgomery County after cost of living is considered. Same goes for schools - It is simply cheaper to fund and operate schools on the Shore but yet Wicomico isn't far off from the per pupil cost of Montgomery County. Our dollars should go a whole lot further than DC Metro counties, but does it?

    And those of your saying the "typical parents" in Mongomery county have college degrees - ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT IGNORANT?! I guess you're saying that all those retail workers, restaurant workers, construction workers, gas station clerks, etc. either don't have children or have a college degree and just chose a different line of work... Get real and start making knowledgeable comments that make sense.

    Again, this isn't about funding sources - it's about how that money is spent and how decisions are made. Do you have a child in school? Are you happy with their school/education? Why or why not? It's easy to track the source of happiness or displeasure back to the administration.

    1. Wow so we should pay the low scoring schools with low pay? I agree since $65000 a teacher ain't doing S..T.

    2. You don't get it, do you? It IS NOT about money - obviously the money is relatively equal. It's about what is done with the money. I have no problem with the money that is currently going towards education. What I have a problem with is how it is spent and why the results aren't similar to other better performing counties.

  16. The parents in PG county have higher education but they pay slightly more in city taxes? maybe if parents did not have to work 2 jobs in this area to pay the stinking taxes then they could spend more time with kids. What good is a college degree when there are no JOBS in the area that are enough to work without having a second to supplement income. I have definitely been there. I moved to Delmar DE, now I only work 1 job

  17. Pure academia B.S. Any survey can be interpreted to suit one's own intended results. This is a survey not a true measurement of academic growth. Relax people!!

    1. Ok teacher there state FACTS.

    2. So you are happy with the education system in Wicomico County? Surveys are actually pretty valuable in the real world - without feedback then how can you determine satisfaction? Again, I SAID SATISFACTION, not performance. Although satisfaction is typically correalated to positive performance.

  18. Half of my property taxes for schools that rank close to the bottom of the state and Fredrickson wants more ???

  19. Top rated respectful counties wouldn't let employees get away with the things Wicomico does. We spend more money covering up mistakes at the expense of children. For example, look at how we claim to offer a continuum of services for special needs children but parents at BMS had to file complaints in order to make it happen. Recently a School Psychologist went to work intoxicated. Did anyone do anything about it? No, no! This is when parents need to contact Dr. Frederickson and demand answers from him and Director Bonnie Walston. That's why we are at the bottom and the list goes on!

  20. Montgomery and Howard counties are full of liberals, naturally the children are more intelligent


  21. Two thoughts:

    Correlation (possibly) is not causation.

    So if teachers were paid less, lower results would be more palatable?
    Or, if better results are desired, what pay levels would attract and retain the teachers able to deliver the desired result?
    It is a more complicated problem that requires more than comparing spreadsheet columns. Nobody has a real template that works across the spectrum.

    (Assumes teacher skills are the main variable, which most agree is not the case.)

  22. 9:33 - you forgot to use your sarcasm font!

  23. Maryland schools are ranked in the top 5 in the nation year after year. Why are you complaining.....when was the last time you were ranked in the top 10 percent in your chosen field? Also, a 25k a year pay gap is nothing to sneeze at....your really trying to tell me that a family of two teachers making 50k more a year in Montgomery is not better off? Lastly, have the FARM (free and reduced lunch) population statistics been released on these schools? Point blank, students that come from well to do households are traditionally more successful academically....I know Wicomico has about 50% FARM students at each high school. Next time you bash a teacher put your money where your big mouth is and go become one! Talk is cheap.

    1. Md as a whole maybe top 5 but wicomico is in the bottom .

  24. I think you need to compare more data: http://www.mdreportcard.org/rcounty.aspx?WDATA=Local+School+System

    Compare free and reduced lunch students for example... Which shows the economic plight of Wicomico County. The rate is double that of Mongomery. In fact in Wicomico County, in elementary, 67.5% claim free and reduced lunch, middle is 60.4%, and high school is at 48.5%. Howard is roughly around 20% in each for ease of comparison. (If you want to compare, click on the county you want to look at, scroll down to students receiving special service and click on elementary, middle and high.)

    Here are the listings of what you need to make and how many kids in order to qualify in the state of Maryland:

    According to dosomething.org, 40% of kids living in poverty are not prepared for primary schooling. Children that live in poverty have higher rates of developmental delays and learning disabilities, and by the end of the 4th grade, African-American, Hispanic and low-income students are already 2 years behind grade level. By the time they reach the 12th grade they are 4 years behind.


    I do agree that an elected BOE with strong leadership would prove beneficial, however I also worry about what I worry about with all politics, namely term limits and career politicians. I also think we have many more problems when you compare school systems than just the one single non-elected school board issue. Unemployment for one (which I appreciate reading about on this blog since no one else seems to provide this data) leads to a higher and higher rate of free and reduced lunch students, as more and more drop to live below the poverty line.

    If we address this, and have more and more jobs available, less empty shops, an economic turn around, I think you'll find there is a trickle out effect into education.

  25. http://datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/7078-students-receiving-free-and-reduced-school-meals?loc=22#detailed/5/3300-3323/false/869,36,868,867,133/any/14091,14092

    Free and Reduced Lunch Stats by county....Wicomico is at 61%. Montgomery is at 35%, Howard is only 20%, Fredrick 27%....naturally all three of these counties have more schools because of their population size then Wicomico County. So not only do they have less impoverished students, but they also have more schools which gives them a greater statistical chance to make the top 100. But why would you want to stat facts when you can just blame other people?

  26. The BOE in this county in nothing more than a socialist state. It is by definition a communist run government within our local government.
    We have created a monster because of minority laws. Our students have the education of third world countries and cannot understand simple math or proper English.
    But the deserve a new building with all the bells and whistles.
    Why , because the black community says so , they don't care about the education , they want a new BMW. They don't want to change the tires they want a new Lexus.
    The children deserve it they say .
    The reverends of the county , don't have a clue!

    1. And obama is the Reparations king thats why he got voted in.

  27. All interesting points, but i think it all leads back to accountability. What you are missing is that the state teachers union is setting up to manipulate the board of education elections. They see us on the shore voting for accountability and fiscal responsibility (like good racist rednecks) and they dont like it. Thats why they are flip flopping on their support. They will now support an elected board so they can support all the liberal candidates and try to manipulate the election. But lets argue the meaningless points so we will once again be manipulated.

    1. Yes manipulate indeed. The WCEA is trying to gain public respect and support through their stance of a fully elected Board, however just like the above commenter stated, they will turn around and support liberal candidates. WCEA is being told to do this under the advisement of MSEA. Please don't be fooled by these organizations as they are all extreme liberals and very dishonest. Don't forget they endorsed Anthony Brown a whole year before the election and their PAC money is dished out to the Conways, Pollitts, and Mathias of the world. They cannot be trusted.

  28. Meaningless points?

    Hungry kids - meaningless?
    Too many single-parent families - meaningless?
    A drug epidemic - meaningless?
    Lack of parent involvement - meaningless?

    Unless these root problems are addressed, it won't matter who's running the BoE or how they were selected.

  29. A lack of leadership is what helped create these problems

  30. @ 9:54 PM
    I NEVER SAID THAT TEACHERS SHOULD BE PAID LESS - I said that they were relatively equally paid so similar results should be expected. A school budget is more than just teachers' salaries - I am more concerned about how money is spent and how programs are (or are not) funded which would improve our school system here in Wicomico County. Those are administrative issues that could be resolved with an elected school board.

    @ 10:02 PM
    You clearly do not understand the concept of cost of living. My wife and I make $120,000/year. About a year ago her company asked her if she would be interested in relocating to their Rockville office. We looked into homes in that area comparable to the one we own now in decent neighborhoods. Our $265,000 home would have cost us well over $500,000 in Montgomery County. We determined that we would have to collectively bring in at least $180,000 if we wanted to maintain the same lifestyle after the move. In mortgage alone, we would have been paying over $14,000 more per year. So, yes, the cost of living DOES make a difference!

    @ 10:09 PM
    Sorry, try again. Wicomico County's food services actually operates as an enterprise (makes it's own money) Collectively, food services makes up about 3% of the entire 2015 budget but after the Revenue is considered from the Enterprise fund which is plugged directly back into the budget as total revenue food services as a whole accounts for 0.43% of the total budget (page 111 of the 2015 budget). You can't blame the poor for misappropriation of funds. Not to mention eligibility is based on the federal poverty level. That being the case, the poverty level for a family of 3 is $20,090. That income is much easier to achieve across the bridge due to more job opportunities and higher wages compared to the shore so the number of eligible families is inherently reduced; however, if you consider the cost of living it is much harder to live at or below the poverty level across the bridge than here.

    @ 10:12pm:
    Want another fact since you are too lazy to find your own facts to support your argument? Montgomery has 133 elementary school, 59 (44.4%) made the top 100. Howard has 41 elementary school, 31 (75.6%) made the top 100. I don't think that statistical odds got them on the list. There are over 800 (813 I believe) elementary schools in Maryland and Montgomery and Howard basically own the top 10% of elementary schools in the state. I wouldn't say that is a statistical occurrence - they must be doing something right. Now what is it and how can Wicomico learn from them to better our school system?

    All challenges can be overcome, but having the same failing leadership year after year is simply unacceptable. You all can blame the poor here and the wealthy there for the problems in our education system but all you are doing is passing the blame on a social problem and not finding a solution to the education problem.

  31. lmao at you folks spouting off about PG and Montgomery counties. Just because you drove through it once in your life don't mean you know anything about the demographics of the county. Lots of poor uneducated families in both those counties. So what's the problem with Wicomico?

  32. Where did this idiot get the idea that living in Wicomico County is cheaper?? Unfortunately, this misinformation gives question to his entire article.

  33. @ 2:05PM
    Are you seriously that isolated? You can call me an idiot, but you just PROVED that you are an idiot. Take your exact lifestyle and try to duplicate it in the DC metro area - there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that you could ever make Wicomico more expensive

    -Gas prices are usually about 20 cents higher
    -Groceries are marked up about 10% more
    -Insurance rates are higher
    -While the tax rate may be lower, the home values are doubled
    -Home values are double and even triple!

    Still want to be naive and ignorant? Take a look at the Coastal Association of Realtor's sales stats for February 2015:


    Wicomico isn't even half of the state average!

    Here's some more info for you from Trulia:


    So next time you decide to speak you might want to make sure you know what the hell you are talking about so I don't have to make you look like a complete MORON. All you are is a "woe is me" kind of person that wants so badly to complain about your own situation that you fail to realize realities and facts outside of your own demented little world. Now try to go have a good day...


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