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Monday, March 30, 2015

Christian Baker Who Refused To Make ‘Gay Cake’ Gives Passionate Defence Of Faith In Court

A Christian baker who refused a bake a cake celebrating gay marriage has given an impassioned defence of his faith in court.

The Express reports that Daniel McArthur, general manager of Asher’s Bakery in Northern Ireland, told Belfast County Court that to put such a message on the cake would go against his deeply-held religious beliefs.

Giving evidence in the second day of a court hearing, he said: “The reason for the decision was that, as Christians, we could not put that message on a cake. Gay marriage is clearly in contradiction of the Bible.

“Our Christian faith is of utmost importance to us. It is how we run our lives, it is how we live our lives, it is how we bring up our families.

“Before God, this is something we couldn’t make.”



  1. Bravo!!! Its called freedom, so quit trying to ram this crap into our lives. If he doesn't want your business go somewhere else.

  2. This is a beautiful illustration of why we need a Religious Freedom Restoration Act to reinforce our right to free exercise of religion.
    It is NOT hate. It is obedience to God and faithful adherence to His word.

  3. It is very simple. I choose who I want to do business with. It's not racism or discrimination. It's my decision period. I don't have to, I don't want to and you can't make me.

  4. A "religious freedom" law of any kind, is dangerous territory, because it may not be the kind of "religious freedom" you want to have forced on you. I don't want the Islamists to have yet another law they can co-opt to their own purposes...denying everyone else's freedom.

  5. Pander to no one in your own shoppe.

  6. 10:04 is spot on - there are some businesses that I will not buy services from because I know the employees belief structure....forcing them to serve me knowing my belief structure runs against theirs is just as wrong as forcing me to purchase a product from an organization I don't trust....

  7. PA's had this law for over 10 years now and it works. Everyone's rights are protected under the founding principles of this country. That is what is important and not that some gay wants to show off and make a name for themselves by seeking out a business they know abides by it's Christian principles and attempting to force themselves on that business. They are predators.
    This whole idea of these gays wanting to show off has left me with a disdain for them. I used to not care what they did but as far as I'm concerned now they can go to hell and they probably will. I think they know they will and this is why they get all freaked out when someone like Phil Robertson points out they are sinners. I'm a sinner you are a sinner everyone's a sinner but unlike others these gays get all worked up when it's pointed out they are sinners and that's because they don't want to hear the truth and the truth pisses them off to no end.


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