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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Chinese ‘Birth Tourism’ Ring Busted In Los Angeles

With Congress giving tacit approval of President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty by passing a “clean” funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security, news broke on another front of the nation’s broken immigration laws – anchor babies.

Unlike every other nation in the Western world, children born in the United States are automatically granted citizenship, even if the parents are in the country illegally, on vacation or students. However it happens, if someone is born here they are issued a Social Security number, can obtain a passport and will forever be an American citizen.

This loophole, created by an interpretation of the 14th Amendment which was passed to ensure citizenship rights were not denied to former slaves, has been exploited for decades by illegal aliens to gain access to the United States. A child who is born a citizen can’t be kept out of the country, and once they turn 21 “they can apply for their parents to become legal residents” as well. Through the Family Reunification Act, they can import more family members, but it is all based on the one child being born a citizen, hence the “anchor” for the rest of the family to gain entry.


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