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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cardin Rejects Deeply Flawed Republican Budget

A budget should reflect the priorities of a nation concerned with the well-being of all citizens. This budget falls well short of that goal.

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) issued the following statement after voting against the final passage of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Resolution (S. Con. Res. 11). The budget presented by Republican leadership kept the across-the-board cuts of sequestration in place, repealed health benefits for 16.4 million Americans covered under the Affordable Care Act and contained a number of dangerous provisions attacking bedrock environmental protections.

“There is so much at stake in setting our federal budget that I could not in good conscience support this highly partisan effort to take and take more from those who could least afford it. This is a deeply flawed budget that simply ended up as a bad deal for Marylanders. The Republican budget falls short on the most basic test of fairness and proportionality. We also cannot expect our federal workforce to continue to perform the myriad critically important tasks they do on behalf of the American people when Congress keeps undercutting their value and attacking their work.

“A budget should reflect the priorities of a nation concerned with the well-being of all citizens. This budget falls well short of that goal. It attempted to strip health care from millions by repealing the Affordable Care Act, make it harder for students to afford higher education, weaken provisions to ensure our children can enjoy clean air and clean water – all to cut taxes for a small percent of the public and keep wasteful loopholes in place. With this budget, Republicans sent a clear message to the American people about their priorities.

“I’m ready to go back to the drawing board and get this right. It’s time to work in a bipartisan manner to create a budget that prioritizes a bright future for all Americans. I agree with my Republican colleagues who want to reduce the deficit and ease the tax burden on businesses and families. However, we need to look at expenditures and revenues in an objective way, which is something this Republican budget failed to do.”


  1. Like anything that comes out of this slimeballs mouth is ever believable or is to be taken seriously.
    He's one of the ones that got himself so jazzed up over obamacare and because of the "stupid" democrat American voters the healthcare COVERAGE system is a disaster. This freak is to be dismissed for the snake oil salesman that he is.

  2. All those words and not a single example is mentioned! Just a bunch of shallots and overtures making horrible sounds that are meaningless.

    The slimeball needs to find the exit door.

  3. Of course if he and Owe Malley had not booted so many jobs out of Maryland we may have had some money to spend.

  4. Yo, Ben - last election cycle, we voted to get rid of your type of tax and spend liberalism....

    Go to Bab's party - then follow her out the door!

  5. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMarch 31, 2015 at 8:50 AM

    Statement full of empty words and hot air, with no facts. The real Bad Deal for Marylanders is the fact they have been MISREPRESENTED BY LIBERAL DEMOC-RAT BENNY CARDIN.

  6. it is pretty simple you have to vote him out

  7. What does Mr. Cardin know about budgets? He has never held a real job in his life.

  8. Cardin only cares about the well being of his voters... the poor. F them. He should be more concerned with the people allowing them to even have a budget.


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