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Friday, March 27, 2015

Can’t slow down on the road? Soon, your car can do it

WASHINGTON — Are you tired of getting speeding tickets, but you just can’t seem to drive as slowly as the signs instruct? Technology might, once again, be your best friend.

Engadget reports that Ford’s new Intelligent Speed Limiter will use a camera mounted on the dashboard to look for speed-limit signs and adjusts the speed accordingly.

The switch for the limiter is on the steering wheel, and you activate it like you would cruise control. Also, it also displays the speed limits and other warnings from road signs (no passing, etc.) on the dashboard.



  1. This is the answer to all of the speed camera opponents.Too bad it had to come to this.

  2. An unintended consequence will be reduced LE revenue and quotas. Oh what will LE do then?

  3. Really , what the hell is wrong with our country , speed limit is a speed limit. Obey the friggin law!!

    1. In the real world, the posted speed limit is NOT the speed limit. it is the MINIMUM SPEED under optimum conditions. The SPEED LIMIT THAT POLICE ENFORCE is 5 to 25 MPH above the posted limit, depending on multiple factors.

  4. How about foot on brake.

  5. It is actually a great option to have if you are drunk and/or riding "dirty"


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