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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Can You Help Baby Mason?

On March 3rd, 2015 Baby Mason was taken to AI DuPont Hospital for brain injury due to Shaken Baby Syndrome. The doctors have had to remove a piece of his skull in order to relieve some of the pressure off of his brain. At this time the doctors have stated that Baby Mason may not make it, but with prayers and lots of love there is always a chance the doctors can be wrong. If Baby Mason makes it thru this he will never be the same little boy, he will be a special needs child.

Baby Mason father Jeremy has not left his side since this has happen , as any parent he is keeping positive thoughts. So with him being beside his son, he has lost time from work which means he is loosing pay. This is going to be a long road for all of Baby Mason's family.

When Baby Mason (positive vibes) pulls thru this he is going to need extra care and with that comes extra expenses for the family. If the very worse happens than we all know what the expenses will be.


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  1. How did this child get injured ???

    I would be happy to help I want the rest oif the story !

  2. 12:49,

    EXACTLY! I'm not giving a dime until someone tells the whole story.

    1. His mother and her boyfriend did that to him

  3. I think it was the child's mother, or someone that was in the companionship of the mother. The Father was divorced from the child's mom, and now has custody of both his children stemming from this incident. He has been a true hero in this childs life.

    1. He dont want a divorce from the mother. she has tired in the beginning but he never signed if he did he would get 1. Plus it when the kids came back from his house they both got really sick doctor said they both had allergic reaction to something but never found out what. Father sends kids back to moms never said anything about how sick both were. I know the mom worked n went to school had no time as a single parent. I think she chose the wrong person to watch her child while she was working. She would never had left them if she thought that.

  4. No need for the whole story, the father is at his sons side so obviously he didn't do it. This post is to help raise money its not the crime section in the newspaper...

  5. Inquiring minds want to know. I know people want to protect their money and feel like they should have a right to know what is going on, but that simply is not correct. The only people who have that absolute right are that child's parents. With that said, the mother and father are not together. The mother says she was not with the child when the incident supposedly occurred. The father now has sole, temporary custody of both of his sons. Obviously, that speaks for itself regarding the father. I'd also like to add that the father has not asked for a dime. He has stated several times that he doesn't want money, and he doesn't want fame. He wants people to be aware of child abuse, shaken baby syndrome, signs, etc. Family and friends are organizing this fundraiser to help dad while he spends most of his time with his son. It will help with medical bills and whatever this child will need when he is finally able to return home. I'm sorry...but a baby who is determined to battle back from serious injury and the family who is trying to facilitate that is all anyone really needs to know. Give, or don't give, that is your option. But your contribution should not hinge on knowing the whole story because I am not even sure anyone knows at this point; as far as I know, it is still under investigation.

  6. "No need for the whole story, the father is at his sons side so obviously he didn't do it. This post is to help raise money its not the crime section in the newspaper..."

    You are so naive.

  7. Could be be on bond or has an arrest been made ? I will not blindly send my help to anyone thank you.

  8. Is there an address where we can mail donations?

    1. Yes u may contact me I am the aunt Angel Calloway on fb

  9. 205, you are just ignorant, plain and simple. Go look for the dirt somewhere else. People like you are what's wrong with society, you want the story but could care less about a families hardship...

  10. 2:05 your the problem

  11. Agree with 1:45. 2:05 how about you go ask the parents what happened to their kid if you want the story

  12. Naïve? The child was not with him at the time. Don't make this a witch hunt or a chance to speculate on something you know nothing about. We are talking about a 16 month old baby who did NOTHING wrong, not about who did.

  13. Could be be on bond or has an arrest been made ? I will not blindly send my help to anyone thank you.

    March 17, 2015 at 2:23 PM

    Then don't. Simple as that. The main focus for this child's father is that the child continues to progress. As I said, the person involved may be out on bond, he may not be. Sad world when someone's arrest is a deciding factor in helping a baby. Hopefully, you won't ever find yourself in a position to need help, but no one will give it before they hear the "whole story".

  14. I tend to think if it's a fundraiser of this type-local child-local establishment-locals volunteering to organize and help then it's okay to help financially.
    What you have to watch out for (and even this is rare because they are found out and shut down quickly, thanks to social media) are the online fundraising sites.
    I confess to snooping as I don't know the parties involved. The father is a father in the true sense of the word. His devotion to this child is second to none. His social media postings are heartbreaking but at the same time inspirational because of his devotion and commitment to the well being of this child and his other son.
    If you can't afford to give money then please pray for this darling child and his father.

  15. I found this for those who wish to donate but can't attend the fundraiser

    If you wish to donate it can go to the following:
    M & T Bank 38716 Sussex Highway Delmar, DE 19940. Account name is Jeremy Sennhauser. If you wish to mail a check or to donate the funds that you collect this is were it needs to go.

  16. Thank you Michelle. I was leaning toward them being the ones responsible by reading FB posts from family and friends.
    I wish to hell I knew the bitch's name. She deserves a public slapdown and to be ridiculed like there is no tomorrow.
    How could any mother allow this to happen to their child is beyond comprehension. There is no doubt the boyfriend was a loser and she knew it. If it were up to me I'd shove a gun up their asses and blow both of them to smithereens. They deserve nothing less. They are trash and need to be treated as such.

  17. Her name is Jacqueline Hart on FB. She hasn't posted since the 12th. Claims she knows nothing about what happened within those 72 hours. Says she was working.
    Claiming she won't rest until she gets her children back.
    That can not happen! One abused child under her watch is one too many.

    1. From what I know she was working i know cause I worked with her n chose the wrong babysitter to watch her son's while working. She would had never left if she thought that would happen. N for the dude they just started dating like 3 months. I believe it was him. Hands down.

  18. Jacqueline Hart
    Steve Koster

  19. The child's grandmother (mothers mother) is taking up for her on FB saying this isnt' her fault.
    The thing is, you can look on Koster's FB and he may as well have loser tattooed across his forehead.
    Why it should surprise anyone that he is capable of this is a mystery. I hope he goes to prison forever.

  20. The excuse maker isn't the mother's mother. It's someone else.
    This is heartbreaking to follow.
    Our young ladies need to take a lesson from this very preventable tragedy.
    Judge the book by it's cover. In viewing Koster's facebook he doesn't strike me as the type of person I would leave my dog with much less a child.
    Young ladies do not get mixed up with train wrecks like him. It very well could change your life for the worst or you could lose your own life as we have witnessed time and time again.
    Stay away from these bums. Look at yourself as better than these losers and don't give them a second of your time.

    1. The young lady struggled being a single mother work n school n paying for a house by herself n her sister was passing away.she got with that dude not knowing what would happen. She's not that type of person I know her. She was working but her having primary placement that charged her. Both kids were sick she had to go to work to pay bill so she left them with her boyfriend for couple hours cause they couldn't go to daycare. She never would have left if she thought that would ever happen. She's so lost n hurt cause of all this plus she dont have all the answers everyone wants she wish she did. This is so painful but I do know the guy is a PC of work. I hope she does get to see the kids. No 1 knows 100% but god n them

  21. For God's sake, be careful who you leave your innocent children with. They can't protect themselves if it turns out their babysitter has a hairtrigger temper. I hope they figure out who did this and that he or she rots in prison.

  22. Steve Koster is Currently under house arrest. Hopefully it is because of this situation. Here is the link where I found it.



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