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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Can Canadian-born Ted Cruz run for president? (Yes.)

Senator Ted Cruz, who has formally declared he's running for President of the United States, was born in Canada (Calgary, to be exact).

This inevitably means that, in the 19 months between now and the 2016 election, someone will argue that Ted Cruz is not actually eligible to serve as president — because the Constitution restricts the presidency to "natural born citizens" of the United States. Someone might even sue Cruz in federal court over his eligibility. That's what happened to John McCain (who was also born outside the US) in 2008.

It's pretty clear that Cruz can run for president — smart legal minds have looked at the relevant laws, and generally agree that an American born in Canada is still eligible to run the country. Of the many obstacles that stand between Cruz and the White House, his Canadian birth will near-certainly not be his campaign's death knell.



  1. YEs he can and he will be soundly defeated and be a distant memory in the race by the third primary

  2. I have an idea. Seal you birth records and all info detailing where you were born. If it's good for the goose......

  3. Why not. We have a NON-American elected now.

  4. 9:43-But think about how brilliant he will be after he is defeated.McCain never shone brighter than after he was defeated.And besides,everyone must lose at least once before they are eventually elected,except Obama of course,and Romney.

  5. I wonder why so many complained about Obama...hell, a lot of em will probably vote for Cruz. Hilarious ninnies.

    btw, McCain was not born outside of the US, he was born at a US military base.

  6. Back in the day when McCain was born that did not automatically make you a citizen. It was changed later.

  7. only if he spells it kenyada!

  8. "I wonder why so many complained about Obama...hell, a lot of em will probably vote for Cruz."

    Big difference, A-hole. Cruz is open about his place of birth. Your hero lies, forges documents and does whatever necessary to cover up his background. I guess that's what you twerps call the most transparent administration ever!


  9. More to the point, Senator Cruz has real accomplishments; had jobs with visibility, responsibility and results! Was a superior debater in college which requires thinking on your feet without the crutch of a teleprompter. May not be everyone's perfect candidate, including me, but head and shoulders above anyone riding a donkey!


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