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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

BREAKING NEWS : Pence vows to clarify religious freedom law

In an exclusive interview on 'Fox & Friends,' Indiana Gov. Mike Pence defends his state's new religious freedom law, but vows to 'clarify' and 'fix' the policy to make clear it does not provide a 'license to discriminate.'



  1. so the lgbt crowd which represents maybe 3% of the population start screaming and we bend over

    got it

  2. It is more than just the lgbt crowd here. This law has the ability to affect large amounts of the population. What happens when a business run by an catholic refuses to serve a jewish organization because of their religion? What about private practice doctors refusing to help sick Jehovah witnesses because of thier beliefs about blood? This Indiana law, and the other 20 states that have similar laws, have far reaching consequences that could cause a massive issue in the country.

  3. It's about discrimination of any kind. Supposed to be protected.

  4. 10:15 PA has had this law for over 10 years. Not that it's ever happened and not likely to if it hasn't yet, but if a catholic refuses a jewish organization service then it's real simple, the jewish organization goes somewhere else. It's not rocket science. Jews are a lot smarter than most people anyway and would want to know who hates them and want people to put signs up because then they know who not to give their money to.
    Any homosexual who insists on someone serving them who doesn't really want to isn't too smart and they need this law for their protection.


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