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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Kansas Senate Passes Constitutional Carry

The Kansas Senate has passed SB 45, the bill that moves Kansas into the constitutional carry status of Arkansas, Arizona, Alaska, Wyoming, and Vermont. If the bill passes the house and is signed by Governor Brownback, a person who can legally own a firearm and who is 21 or over will be able to carry a firearm concealed without fear of prosecution. The bill, SB 45 had 26 cosponsors and was introduced by the Majority leader, Terry Bruce, of Hutchinson. The bill passed with an overwhelming, veto proof, bi-partisan margin of 31 to 7.

The seven members that voted against the bill were: Faust-Goudeau (D), Francisco(D), Hawk(D), Hensley(D), Holland(D), Pettey(D), and Kay Wolf(R).

Two Senators McGinn(R) and Schmidt(R) were present but did not vote.

Two Democrat Senators Haley and Kelly, voted for the bill.



  1. FANTASTIC !!! The momentum is building. Maryland MUST allow Constitutional Carry NOW !!

  2. Hey Gov. Hogan, want to get re-elected?

  3. It is how it should be. Also, the ban on certain firearms should also be removed. PERIOD.

  4. far fetched for Maryland to do this...

    Hogan even said he won't repeal or fix the gun laws...

    Contact your senators and see what we can do to get this on a ballet initiative or something...

  5. Repeal of O'screwme's Gun ban is long overdue. Guess what? Has not stopped me from arming up to the teeth!

  6. Anyone get the MSI, Maryland Shall Issue emails? Should join. There are I believe 20 2nd Amendment bills in Maryland right now. Get active.


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