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Sunday, March 15, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton claims use of personal email while secretary of state was a 'matter of convenience'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claims that she used a personal email account to conduct official business as a 'matter of convenience,' and says doing so was a mistake.

From Fox News


  1. Considering that convenience doesn't justify breaking the law, why does she feel she could get a free pass?

  2. OweBlama is conveniently ignoring Congress - for his Progress!

  3. 3:27 but she says she did not break the law, and there were only 55000 emails mostly about her daughters wedding dress

  4. It is really a matter of national security. We have laws for a reason which I believe a lot of legislators feel are optional for them. Our constitution matters to me. She should no longer be able to hold public office if she kept correspondence relating to her job on an server other that the one provided her for her job.

  5. This is just a war against women.

  6. I'm certain she has a team of lawyers who have given her legal advice on what to say. She, like Obama think they are above the law and to question them, makes you either a racist or conspiracy nut!

    I for one am tired of her and this administration. To me they represent, along with the rino republicans the worse example of a government that no longer represents the people.

    Just the fact that she may be running for president and not in prison for crimes committed so far, shows just how corrupt and out of touch this government truly is.

  7. @ 4:00. You are joking, right? I am a professional business woman and do not believe for one moment that this is a war against women. Hillary Clinton is criminal, period.

  8. I'd like to see copies of her emails of condolences to the families of Ty Woods and Glenn Daughtery's families. Thank you, Sincerely, Ben Gazi

  9. 4pm you are really stupid. Get your head out of the sand. Remember Whitewater, remember Benghazi? She is a liberal liar who wants to lie again to justify her actions again.

  10. Benghazi was a much bigger mistake!

  11. 5:09,I was joking but see if democrats spin it into this.

  12. If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass!!!!

  13. Yes 5:46. I remember white water and Benghazi. Millions spent by republicans to try and prove Clinton did something wrong but couldn't. Because she didn't. That's what Republicans do. Spend all their time trying to tear things and people down. Never building things or putting forth the effort to have a positive idea. Nothing.

    1. Blind to the facts: 1) Whitewater scandal – This was the fraudulent land scheme, masterminded by Hillary and key witness Jim McDougal (who also mysteriously died in prison), while Hillary was a partner of the Rose Law Firm – also the firm of Vince Foster and Webster Hubbell, who later moved to D.C. with the Clintons to infest the White House Counsel's office with their "legal expertise." Hubbell was later indicted, tried and convicted for tax fraud. Foster turned up dead in Fort Marcy Park, as he was a material witness for then independent counsel Ken Starr's Whitewater criminal investigation.

  14. I want to know about the Guardian story of her receiving 81 Million dollars from Drug laundering proceeds from a Swiss owned Bank that was busted and fined.

  15. I want to know about the Guardian story of her receiving 81 Million dollars from Drug laundering proceeds from a Swiss owned Bank that was busted and fined.

  16. why not a matter of national security?


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