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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bottle of grey wine that was dug out of US Civil War shipwreck after 151 years gets tasted

An old bottle of wine containing grey liquid that was dug up from a US Civil War shipwreck was uncorked and tasted yesterday.

It was recovered intact four years ago from the 1864 wreck of the Mary-Celestia blockade runner that sank off the coast of Bermuda. It was sampled by wine experts after being submerged for 151 years.

The sommeliers’ verdict at a food festival in Charleston, South Carolina, is that the grey “wine” actually smelled and tasted like crab water, gasoline, salt water, vinegar, with hints of citrus and alcohol.



  1. "Actually smelled and tasted like crab water, gasoline, salt water, vinegar, with hints of citrus and alcohol."

    They found a bottle of Bud Lime??

  2. Sounds like Hoppengator for those old enough to recall it.(I know I spelled it wrong)but it got us there cheap and quick.

    1. Yes. Hop'Gator. Very similar taste lol.

  3. Anyone remember Zima?
    Guess they found the dump site. Man that stuff was nasty.

  4. 8:23-I really like the Iron City beer that is made by the same brewery in Pittsburgh,but in the 70's I was seriously short on funds.

  5. that was just plain stupid!


  6. 'Pump An Iron' would put hair on your chest! Real beer!


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