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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Another political conflict of interest for hexane-polluting Perdue?

T he partnership of Lancaster County, Pa. with hexane-polluting Perdue may be only one of Perdue's political conflicts of interest.

Is it another conflict of interest for prominent Perdue employee Jacob Day to simultaneously hold the office of Salisbury, Md. City Council President?

See "How Can Jake Day Be The Coordinator - State Government & Community Affairs For Perdue and Be An Elected Official?" at this March 15, 2015 Salisbury News site:
Note too that the father of Salisbury City Council President Jacob Day is listed as Randy Day, President of Perdue Foods:

     “Now any time Perdue wants something from the City the decision is really already made.”
     -- A public comment left at the above site. 



  2. Day needs to Resign the council position or perdue what is the # to the MD conflict of interest board joe ?

  3. Conflict of interest is a concept lost on our politicians today at all levels.
    Even the Supreme Court doesn't think it applies anymore.

  4. He is part of a COUNCIL....he doesn't make the decisions all by himself! I am glad he holds a regular job regardless of who its with.

  5. As with clinton, let's see who has the balls to do anything about this. Other than hearing people complain, nothing will be done.

  6. instead of hashing this out on Joes Blog take it to the ETHICS BOARD.

  7. LOL-Consider what you are dealing with here. He can't understand speed limits or understand when to appear in court nor the meaning of a drivers license suspension so people are dreaming if they think he's intellectually capable of understanding the meaning of conflict of interest.
    For whatever reason I can't seem get the words Useful Idiot out of my mind.

  8. 1:51 useful no, idiot yes

  9. ethics.maryland.gov

  10. Yes idiot 4:15. When you speed excessively habitually you are an idiot. Only an idiot would put others in danger like he did. If you excuse him then fine that's your prerogative to be completely irresponsible.
    However I call it like it, is because too many people including children have been killed and seriously injured by idiots who have no regard for others.

  11. Fake Day -- hey, it fits him like a glove!


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