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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Actually, a US president did host an Israeli PM just before elections

Denying it is snubbing Netanyahu, White House cites ‘long-standing practice’ of not inviting candidates close to polling day. So what was Clinton doing with Peres in 1996?
WASHINGTON — As tensions rose between Israel and the Obama administration over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s early March visit to Washington to address Congress and AIPAC, and President Barack Obama’s refusal to meet with him, the White House tossed out a justification Thursday for its apparent snub. The president, the White House said, was not boycotting the prime minister because he had set up the Congressional address behind the White House’s back, but because “as a matter of long-standing practice and principle, we do not see heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections, so as to avoid the appearance of influencing a democratic election in a foreign country.


  1. obama and the democrats rely on the stupidity of those who support them. The rank and file democrat is very low IQ and wouldn't even dream of doing their own research on matters even if they were intellectually capabable.
    The democrats who may have the ability don't care because they are dishonest people themselves.
    Today's latest on Hilary using a personal email for government business is being excused by her camp by saying Colin Powell did the same. The differnce is, it is now federal law (wasn't when Powell was Sec of State)to only use official gov't emails. She will get a pass because the ignorance of democrats and/or their inability to act as moral and responsible human beings.

  2. All should know by now that Obama is a liar.

  3. These two were actually getting something accomplished, rather than spew hot air from both sides. BIG DIFFERENCE.

  4. As much as slick willy was a slimebucket - he was a much better president than the current POSOTUS!

  5. Did any thinking person really believe the lie anyway?


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