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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Action Alert: Write or call Senator Mathias Demanding Support of Senator Ready's Amendment to HB 70

Great news and a huge step in the right direction. Quoting the article linked below, "On Thursday, Senator Justin Ready will be offering an amendment on the Senate floor to HB 70 the FY2016 Budget which would stop all funding for the PARCC Assessment until the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) develops an opt-out plan and makes it available to parents."

Time to tell Senator Mathias, who sent his children to Worcester Preparatory School, that public school parents have the right to "opt out" or "refuse the test" for their child(ren). Senator Ready clearly respects parental rights and Senator Jim Mathias must show his Eastern Shore Constituents that he respects parental rights as well!

Contact Senator Jim Mathias at:

Text his cell phone 443-497-0911



  1. Joe, As always you're doing a great service and fantastic job !

    I just called Sen.Mathias's office. Got a very nice staffer on the phone who actually listened to what I want.Usually they want to tell me why "I'm wrong" I made it clear I want an elected BOE board.And also to strongly support Sen.
    J. Ready's bill.

    From the tone of her voice,I got the impression the office is in "damage control mode", as they are not used to doing what the voters want.

    To Everyone: Make the phone or texts !

  2. still waiting for a reply to my email - not holding my breath

  3. Oh please, do not hold your breath because you can pretty well be assured that you will not get a response.

  4. he will do what the honchos in Annapolis want him to do


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