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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Viewer Writes: They scare me with their knowledge....or lack of

    Alert County Roads that IDIOTS will be calling. While Sixty Foot Road may be a county road the light would have to go on a STATE road (Route 50) so they would be the ones to contact and these are the people we are suppose to rely on. Im scared!

  • Joshua Eskridge  It's a pretty simple intersection.. If you see a car coming and you can't make it.. Don't go.
    Like  ·  Reply  ·  4  ·  3 hrs
    • Wicomico First Alert  That's too easy.
      Like  ·  2  ·  3 hrs
    • Joshua Eskridge  Apparently for some people..
      Like  ·  3 hrs
    • Scott Wade  Sounds crazy but I think b/c it is so simple ppl don't give the intersection the attention it needs.
      Like  ·  1  ·  3 hrs
    • Joshua Eskridge  Should start placing the totaled vehicles from the accidents there in the median by the interesting. Might make people think twice.
      Like  ·  4  ·  3 hrs
    • Wicomico First Alert I agree Josh!
      Tomorrow Wicomico First Alert will be posting the email and phone to County Roads, there's been 14 accidents there since 01-01-2015. There has to be something done.
      Like · 9 · 3 hrs
    • Pattiann Batze Harris  don't we have rumble strips before you get to Sixty Ft Rd coming East bound. I don't come that way so I do not remember
      Like  ·  2 hrs
    • Wicomico First Alert  There is/was. They are too worn down now. They don't work.
      Put speed bumps there. LOL!


  1. Because of the angle of rt 50 at that intersection you DO have a blind spot for oncoming traffic due to the windshield support on vehicles. Yes, people need to look twice but the intersection needs a light or SOMETHING! It's dangerous and officials will do nothing about it. We who lost a loved one there will never get him back. Should have been fixed YEARS ago.

  2. Plain and simple, a traffic light will not fix stupidity. And, I just drove past there Sunday afternoon, the rumble strips are still in working order.

  3. Has any reader or SBYNews staff talked with the correct contacts. It seems everyone wants a solution but no one appears to be doing a follow through.

    Now that folks know not to contact the county, maybe state personnel will be notified. Perhaps State personnel reads this site and realizes the problem and folks think their comments are contacting the right people, Just to be sure, poick up a phone BUT not in your car.

    Ya think cell phones played a part in any of these accidents. I note many people with a cell phone to ear when I am driving, Don't these folks know that is against the law?

  4. 10:24, Did you happen to see the interview yesterday with the guy who heads up such decisions. He flat out said, even if we put a light there, its still going to happen. What an Idiot! So NO, I'm not calling a FOOL who won't even entertain the thought of a traffic light.

    1. NO, guess the guy must have been on BOC and I don't waste my time watching that channel.

  5. if one cannot see due to a blind spot, position your vehicle so you CAN see.

  6. Even if you do everything right on the road, what is stopping someone else from plowing into you? You are never in complete control on the roads.

    I hate how people victim-blame traffic accident victims so easily. Yet if they were in an accident, it was 'some idiot'. Yeah. YOU!

  7. 12:40, some cars would almost have to be ON route 50 to see, removing the "blind spot". A stoplight is NEEDED!!

  8. Close off the intersection with RT 50. That will take care of the problem and not impede traffic on RT 50.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:40, some cars would almost have to be ON route 50 to see, removing the "blind spot". A stoplight is NEEDED!!

    March 10, 2015 at 2:17 PM

    No they would not. That's why vehicles come equipped with a steering wheel. A stop light can not guarantee someone will not run it and hit anyone. LOOK, and look again. And when it is SAFE to pull out, get your arse up to speed quickly.

    If anyone has to touch their brakes or change lanes, you did it wrong.

    And 12:56 PM, IF you are doing everything correctly, you will not be in an accident. Which means you have to be aware of your surroundings and other traffic at ALL times. You still have to check your mirrors frequently even while moving forward.

    Just setting the cruise and jamming to the radio or cell phone will not cut it. You are driving for two people out there. Yourself and the other guy.

    You have to expect and anticipate the wrong moves of others.

  10. 4:41 Amen to that. I'm sick of people pulling out on the highway and driving as if they are still in town. You know the cars on the highway are doing 60 or above so when you pull out on the highway get up to speed(55) quickly and if you pull into the left lane you better get up to 65 like you are at the drag strip.


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