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Saturday, March 14, 2015

A senseless death…

We arrived at the Children’s Hospital Emergency Room at the same time.

He and his partner parked and I pulled up to their left and did the same.

I got out of my car and watched as the officer hurried from his seat and opened the back, driver’s side door.

When the officer grabbed the boy from the back seat of his police Tahoe, I knew almost instantly.

There was a split second though, before instantly I guess, where I didn’t know. For that split second, the officer looked like any dad grabbing his sleeping boy from the car and putting the boy’s head on his shoulder to carry him inside to sleep comfortably in his own bed.

For that split second, it was a sweet moment.



  1. Do black lives matter to blacks?
    I don't think so , this type of killing is a normal event in some cities , Chicago , Detroit , Philly , and others , the sad part is it's an everyday event.
    Where is the MSM following this activity?
    I guess it's OK if a black guy kills a kid for no reason , that's the message I get.
    Oh it was an accident he wasn't aiming at that child , he was aiming at the dad or could be dad.
    What a mess you blacks have got yourself in with the help of your favorite people , Sharpton , Jackson and the infamous Obama.
    NAACP what you gonna do when they come for you?
    NAACP= national association for the advancement of communist people. Thanks Mary for making the public aware of these gruesome killing in our country , the hell with the police violence , look at your own people , maybe it's way too late.
    Maybe you just don't know how to communicate !!

  2. So much for black lives mattering to them. There wasn't a single one of the crowd that knew first aid? Not that it would have made a difference, apparently, his injuries were too severe. But just the attempt, the gesture, the acknowledgment that his life mattered...

    When the needs of the individual victim is subjugated to the needs of the group to be acknowledged as "victimized" en masse, the entire hypocritical facade is exposed for what it is...


    1. No first aid knowledge so they didn't matter anyway? I hope your kid breaks his neck and his friends know no first aid. Your kids live matters not to me then! Your a disgrace to America!

  3. Thanks for sharing this Joe. I read the story then followed it back to the author to see if it was real or fake.

    Part of me wanted it to be true, not because a kid died, of ANY race, but wanted it to be true to know that there are indeed cops out there like this.

    Part of me wanted it to be false. I don't think anyone likes to hear about any kid being killed.

    But alas, it does appear to be true. This cop has his own little personal blog with other stories as well. I read a couple then went to his fb page and liked it so I could see more in the future.

    You see, I am one of those 'kop bashers' that come on here to bad mouth cops, and stories like this give me hope that the "not all cops are bad" line is true.

    It is nice to have a positive tone come out of such a tragedy. To ALMOST feel what these officers must have been feeling while dealing with this call.

    This is the part of their job that we/I tend to forget about. And it is refreshing.

    I am certain I will continue to bash the bad kops out there, but I will try to keep this guy in the back of my mind.

    1. That were it will stay. In the back of your mind. There aren't many good stories about cops. I to scream about the police. And there is an old saying..... A lifetime of atta boys are erased with one mess up. And it goes along with it o my takes a few to mess it up for all. Officers....want people on your side again? Then speak against your corrupt counterparts without fear. The community will back you!


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