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Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: Sixty Foot Road

What is the issue with the intersection at Route 50 and Sixty Foot Road? 

Why has there been so many accidents there? 

There are 2 other exits in Pittsville that don't seem to have the same problem. 

Yes that is the most popular route to take but there has to be some other reason why so many accidents occur there and not the other exits. Is it the angle in which you are positioned while trying to cross Route 50? 

They put rumble strips on Route 50 westbound a while back but that doesn't do any good if someone pulls out in front of you. The intersection in Willards is also busy and they don't seem to have as many accidents. 

Why is this one such a problem and how can we solve it!


  1. I know that for me, the angle of approach and the way my car is designed, oncoming traffic is hidden behind my side pillar. When they do come into view, it's in a part of the windshield that causes some distortion that makes it hard to judge distance. I have to look 3 or 4 times to make sure the way is clear. I think if they adjusted the angle to 90 degrees, that might help.

    Another idea would be to put some sort of sensor and warning lights for those trying to cross to let them know that traffic is approaching. For example, if I am traveling eastbound and turn left onto sixty foot rd., when I get to the westbound lane, I could look to my right (as I normally would to check for traffic) and see a sign with lights warning me that traffic is approaching.

    1. That pillar wouldn't be a problem if you stopped and looked instead of a rolling stop or just blowing through like most I see.

  2. I was thinking the same thing. it always seems like there is an accident on Sixty Foot Rd.

    I wonder how many accidents have happened there in the past 5 years.

    Something really needs to be done because no other intersection seems to have such a reputation as Sixty Foot Rd and Rt. 50.

  3. I've seen red lights in other areas with small flashing strobe lights in them, to draw the driver's attention of the potential hazard. Installing flashing lights with those strobes would alert drivers on Rt. 50 to be exceptionally aware and alert.

    In addition, I suggest placing a warning sign by the intersection, with a running total count of accidents or fatalities that have occurred there. Might make people stop and look again before crossing the highway.

    1. More signs and light .....more distractions.

  4. close the intersection. problem solved.

  5. A sign or a light won't fix stupidity.

  6. make them go around to the next turn around. stop all cross traffic They done it elsewhere on 50 to stop people from being t-boned!

    1. Where? Where have they don't that? Nowhere!

    2. Hebron near the shore stop you cannot go across like you used to

    3. That's not a square 90° intersection. You have to literally drive into traffic a bit to cross there. Not the same. I'm talking where have they ever shut an intersection that is a square 90° down? No where! And the intersection you speak is the only one! And again its not comparable.

  7. If you can't fix poor driving decisions, try a "J" turn.

  8. Build a bridge or close it off, about the only way you will stop accidents at that intersection.

  9. I travel through this intersection daily. Westbound in the morning, eastbound in the afternoon. The westbound side of the intersection seems to be the worse. The biggest issue I see is people are in such a hurry they don't stop at the stop sign to cross the westbound lanes. They do the "rolling stop". I have seen so many near misses at that intersection, luckily none for me.

  10. They made "J" turns at 2 intersections on route 50 at Hebron.

  11. Why not try "Stop Sign" cameras? I'm sure we can develop one with today's technology.

  12. Something needs to be done about the intersection of White Lowe Road and Rt 50. Been too many accidents and no one seems to know who has the right of way.
    Someone is going to get killed there again. It's that bad!!!!

  13. If you can't see around the post around your windshield and window, then you need to move your head so you can see the road. Don't blame the road!

  14. How about learning to drive?


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