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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-11-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " PITTSVILLE, WILLARDS, DELMAR PARENTS ALERT":

If Maryland keeps playing with the Delmar School District because they house the Elementary School...everyone's going to end up being sorry. Delmar School District has long been able to FAR surpass Wicomico County in both balancing the budget and providing superior education to both Maryland AND Delaware students residing in Delmar. Delmar School District could, at any time, pull up roots from that Elementary School and create their own on the Delaware side. Not recognizing Maryland students would only serve to hurt a population of kids that deserve to attend a school in their town. Maryland already attempted to work through the MVA to "not accept" the Delmar driving program because it was "out of state" and therefore force the Delmar students living on the MD side to pay for the private lessons that MD requires. Keep playing...you just may get what you're asking for and a whole lot more--which, in essence, would equate to a WHOLE lot less for the kids of Delmar.


  1. All part of plan. Delmar kids will be bused to Laurel for a High School and the current middle/high school will become the Delmar DE elementary school.

  2. Sounds like a good plan to me 3:03.

  3. Now that would make one great football program. Dang near unbeatable. But, that will never happen. Lol

  4. being the bastion of human intelligence that it is, I am sure Delmar will think of something

  5. No one cares point blank.... If you or they did, why do they sit by and do nothing but allow this to keep j

    Its all about money and how to spend it quick so they can say hey look at this new school we built oh by the way its 10 yes old and we need a new roof... Says the people of Delmar schools....

  6. That would be great.They could be football standouts during their high school years.Then they could have nagging and chronic injuries for the rest of their lives & a trophy on the mantle.

  7. Laurel schools suck, they are out of budget and they are not up to par with Delmar, I do not want my kids in with laurel, also the just built the new high school, I am sure it is not equipped to handle more kids from Delmar

  8. Cowards...our politicans need to stand up for education. How dare we cower to the bloated wasteful state and BOE..school vouchers needs to be on the ballot.along with a reduced but elected BOE. ITS our money and kids.

  9. This whole Delmar issue gives me an uneasy feeling.A piece of the puzzle is missing & I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.I just cannot put my finger on it.

  10. Delmar will never separate. The bi-state agreement is iron clad. governors would have to sign off on it. this will never happen. please stop comment about the separation of the town. it only fuels rumor and speculation. most of you are just making up stuff. stop!!!!

  11. Anonymous said...
    Cowards...our politicans need to stand up for education. How dare we cower to the bloated wasteful state and BOE..school vouchers needs to be on the ballot.along with a reduced but elected BOE. ITS our money and kids.

    March 11, 2015 at 7:02 PM

    I agree with you on the school vouchers. We should allow the tax payers to decide where they want to send their children to school.

    Also Wicomico County does not need 7 school board members. Drop the number to 5 and pay them more money. $3,700 per year is not enough compensation for what they have to do every year. It is clearly a full time job for the board members who are working and representing the board of education all hours of the day and night.


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