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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-10-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " ANOTHER SHOOTING IN SALISBURY":

3 police agency's cover Wicomico county period. And the crime is still through the ROOF the chief mayor and sheriff need to be FIRED.

Publishers Notes: This comment is spot on. You have the Maryland State Police, the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department and the Salisbury Police Department. You also have the Salisbury University Police who do back up the SPD. 

The problem I see here is how Law Enforcement is so REACTIVE"and not PROACTIVE. Look, I'm NOT suggesting the Officers aren't doing what they're told, they are. However, LEADERSHIP is not having a Police Chief afraid of her own shadow until it's approved by the Mayor first. Leadership has to be around, not on trips across the country. 

We need to get the drugs off the streets, period. All the thugs keep thinking is, have no fear, we're in Salisbury. Hard to hold your head high as an Officer when things are as bad as they are. 


  1. this is just a fantasy. To do this would require some sort of law enforcement officer, literally, at every 25 paces throughout the community. Then there are the cases where "we were sitting around the table playing cards and a heated argument turned physical" type of cases. You really can't "stop" crime and to suggest you can is folly. Sure more profile ridebys and patrols - even, God forbid, a foot patrol - might stop 1 or 2 thugs from perpetrating but the rest will continue their thuggery. The only way to stop it is to start manditory sterilization of thugs and to cut off welfare for even one offense. sorry you liberal fools - you got any better ideas? And don't give me that "let's hold hands and create more jobs" bs either. That is about as stupid as you can get.

  2. Why won't the police chief and sheriff focus on high crime areas 24/7 i will tell you why they are worried about being POLITICALLY CORRECT so the wicomico county people WILL suffer.

  3. U sound like u work for the mayors office is that u jim?

  4. 7:25 - I like your 'mandatory' proposal! We can start by rounding up the repeat criminal offenders - they're the most likely to commit more offenses - when they 'disappear', there will be a downtick in statistics - till the criminal vacuum is filled. After a few cycles of disappearing thugs - there will be fewer inclined to the life of crime!

    Close the border and reduce welfare - there will be fewer illegals to take the low skill jobs....and more former welfare recipients with no income. Get these two groups together - and then monitor the crap out of them as they'll steal you blind. We'll have a better real unemployment rate consisting of legal citizens and the welfare rolls will go down!

  5. 7:25, Oh there's LOTS of ideas out there but who are we the people to tell others how to do their job!

    PROACTIVE for starters. There isn't an Officer out there that won't tell you these crimes have everything to do with drugs.

    Cut off the supply FIRST and the crime will go away. Not at first, of course, but it won't take long after that and you'll see them go somewhere else. Mind you, it's a BIG job but falling asleep at the wheel and DENYING it in the first place was the major screw up!

    Mayor Jim Ireton is the first to point a finger at. He is in complete denial and many would say a complete liar. Liberals seem to flat out lie to our faces while the crime keeps going through the roof.

    You know what's REALLY funny about ALL of this, the new Website that's out there that involves Police Officers and Firefighters who are the FIRST to expose the crime.


    In other words, they LOVE the attention while it gets worse and worse. Are they in fact LAUGHING in our faces?

    Anyhow, if anyone tries to say law enforcement doesn't know who at least the dealers are, they'd be lying. They know! However, can they get to the distributor, is the question.

    They would rather nail the USER, scare the crap out of them, get a plea deal to get the USER to tell them who their dealer is, which they already know, but what good does it do. Well, in the public eye on the surface it looks like they're doing their job. BS!

    They're just locking up the little guy and destroying them for the rest of their life. Once you serve time and have that record, YOU ARE SCREWED! You get out of jail, you have no place to live, no money, no transportation, you have to report once a week to a probation officer and find a job where they'll let you do so. Then you have to figure out a way to GET to the probation officer without transportation. The system is made to make them FAIL. You don't report, next thing you know you are on the Most Wanted list and heading back to jail.

    Am I critical, ABSOLUTELY! Every single one of you should be because if your not, crime will never come down, period. Your property values will drop to nothing, (like it already has) and you'll be living in Detroit.

    Hold your elected officials accountable for once.

    Everyone talked the talk during the last election. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Where are they? What are they doing to bring jobs here? WHAT'S THE MASTER PLAN?

    In their eyes they say, Joe Albero is bringing us down. You are damn right I am. Don't stand there and tell the public what they want to hear and not deliver. If you can't deliver, get the hell out of the way! And don't come back with Bob Culver this and that. Bob Culver is dealing with 8 years of someone not doing Jack Schmidt! His focus is on jobs but he'll need time to make such changes. ANYONE who thinks that can be done overnight is a fool.

    HOWEVER, I will agree that EVERYONE needs to start telling us what their game plan is to get us there and that too includes Bob.

    You want good paying jobs, well, focus on crime FIRST! STOP believing new schools will fix anything, that's complete BS!

    Hold Law Enforcement accountable. Get out of denial. Tell the Mayor to stop feeding us a line of BS!

    On my end, we will continue to deliver you what's really going on crime wise on the Shore. WHY do you think I started off TEN years ago being the ONLY one who published ALL crime here on the Shore. Because no one else had the stones enough to tell you the TRUTH.

  6. It's not LE's fault people commit crimes. PERIOD.

  7. But if these officers go out and be PROACTIVE like they want to be they run into all these thugs and drug dealers wanting to cry about someone violating their rights! Prime example is the Deputy Jones going out and being proactive and ending up shooting a gun toting drug dealer but all these people wanna sing is how his rights were violated!! If their kid,sister ,brother, mom or dad were found in a ditch someplace murdered they wouldn't care what the cops did to find the person responsible but lord have mercy if they stop a "young man" walking down the middle of the street at 2am to see what he is up to!! Police can't be PROACTIVE because then people cry harassment and officers end up being sued and such so before real police work can start people have to stop being such cry babies, its one thing if an officer walks up to you starts kicking your a$$ buy if he just comes up to ask you a question it doesn't have to turn into a racial incident!!

  8. That facebook page you are referring to might have another agenda. I don't believe they are laughing in our faces at all, quite the contrary. I think they are releasing all the calls they hear on scanner for many reasons. To alert the citizens of crime or traffic problems in their area and to alert the citizens to the truth, that crime is sky rocketing not down as the mayor continues to proclaim. In other words, maybe it's an IN YOUR FACE, to the mayor and council.

  9. It's hard to be proactive if you are constantly being reactive. The number of police on the street is enough to enforce the law. You would commit a large portion of the force to proactive work in the high crime areas, then there is a sudden spike in DUI related accidents in the municipal area, and people will complain. Then the speeders in the neighborhoods will draw the ire of some of the elite citizens and complaints will be made. Law enforcement is in a no win situation with the man power they have.

    Now' let's talk about enforcement. They spend their time in the high crime areas and they are deemed racist if arrests involve a high proportion of blacks. God forbid they are required to take lethal force, complaints are filed and it's deemed a racist event before the investigation is even started. They become proactive on the DUI and speeding complaints and they are picking on the good citizens and wasting time and money, when they should be out fighting crime...........

    It's a no win situation. Citizens are not held responsible for their own actions. Children do not learn right from wrong and have too few good role models. They are no longer taught to respect the police, adults , others, other's property or themselves. Don't blame the police, blame yourselves for not teaching right from wrong and good judgement and respect!

  10. uhh, Delmar and Fruitland are in Wicomico County too...


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