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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

6.5 Million People With Active Social Security Numbers Are 112+

(CNSNews.com) - Many people are living longer, but not to age 112 or beyond -- except in the records of the Social Security Administration.

The SSA's inspector general has identified 6.5 million number-holders age 112 -- or older -- for whom no death date has been entered in the main electronic file, called Numident.

The audit, dated March 4, 2015, concluded that SSA lacks the controls necessary to annote death information on the records of number-holders who exceed "maximum reasonable life expectancies."

"We obtained Numident data that identified approximately 6.5 million numberholders born before June 16, 1901 who did not have a date of death on their record," the report states.

Some of the numbers assigned to long-dead people were used fraudulently to open bank accounts.

And thousands of those numbers apparently were used by illegal immigrants to apply for work:

"During Calendar Years 2008 through 2011, SSA received 4,024 E-Verify inquiries using the SSNs of 3,873 numberholders born before June 16, 1901," the report said. "These inquiries indicate individuals' attempts to use the SSNs to apply for work."

“It is incredible that the Social Security Administration in 2015 does not have the technical sophistication to ensure that people they know to be deceased are actually noted as dead,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

More here


  1. I'm not even mad at the people who exploit the loopholes. I'm mad that we pay 6 figures to worthless, inept, lazy, unqualified government workers who don't do their job. That goes for local, state and federal. Public sector workers are horrible, and don't deserve half of what they get. They get rewarded for being inefficient and wasting money. Great.

  2. Pretty soon there will be 11 million more that entered this country illegally!

  3. That's why there's still market for chest style freezers. People pit their deceased family members in them so as to continue collecting the benefits. Wouldn't one think that our country should be in the Guinness Book Of World Records with that number of people over 112 years of age? I guess no one caught that while handling the paperwork.

  4. 6.5 million Democrat voters!

  5. Most of the Obama voters were dead and over 115 years old, so whats new?

  6. Truly sad. But I guess our great great great great great grand children have it covered..So go back to sleep


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