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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

6 In 10 Young Republicans Favor Legal Marijuana, Survey Says

Nearly two-thirds of Millennials who identify as Republican support legalizing marijuana, while almost half of older GOP Gen-Xers do, according to a recently released Pew survey that could be an indicator of where the debate is heading.

While the Pew Research Center survey published on Friday shows a 14 percentage point gap between Republicans and Democrats under the age of 34, six-in-10 GOP-leaning Millennials still said they favor legalizing cannabis. Seventy-seven percent of surveyed Democrats in the same age group held that view.

For those aged 35 to 50, the same 14 percentage point gap between Republicans and Democrats was evident, but the respective percentages were somewhat lower. In that age group, 47 percent of Republicans favored legalization, as opposed to 61 percent of Democrats.

As Pew notes: "The debate over marijuana also comes ahead of the 2016 presidential election, when both political parties are fighting over the coveted Millennial vote as this group of eligible voters swells in size, even if its members do not consistently show up on Election Day."



  1. I will never understand drug users.

  2. 1051-I'll never understand our gov't. Caffeine, cigs, and alcohol are okay, but not weed? Enjoy your pot of coffee and pack of smokes, hypocrite.

  3. 10:51
    You don't have to! Isn't America great?

  4. 11:25 When I say I will never understand drug users caffeine, tobacco and alcohol users are included and any other peoples drug use for other than medical reasons prescribed by a doctor.


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